We have bought on this site to and yes the building has been stopped since last November not only on ACC but on lots of other projects as well, as far as we know most of the issues have now been cleared up and building may recommence in the next few months. If you look for the thread placed last week titled Albox you will find some more information.
Apparently it has been said that Huma are to pay compensation for the delays in building. However, they have to have another meeting with the Junta in September to talk about a re start of the building. They are alleged to be looking at end of 2006 early 2007 to re start. Why another meeting? What is there left to discuss?
Interestingly enough P……Properties do not seem to know anything about the latest news!
Murcia has already gone on water restrictions. Another factor is that the Junta de andalucia will have the final say on this NOT the local mayor…its not looking good. Most of the purchasers have gone to ground with their own website and refuse to hear any what they consider “negative” comments about the (non) development. If it were me who had invested here I would be very worried.
What, excatly, has the water situation in Murcia got to do with Cuevas del Almanzora?
Surely the Junta has the final say on the PGOU, not individual developements. Can you imagine the delays if every building application had to be passed by the Junta in Sevilla?
Well, most of the plans DO have to go through the Junta, particularly in these sort of areas, whatever the agents may say on the start of building. It MAY happen but I reiterate I personally would be VERY worried if I had money invested. Hope everything works out fine for all concerned though 🙂
I hopy you and family are ok when you receive this Email.
The reason of sending you an Email is because we have good news to give, and
it is that finally we have receive the CONFIRMATION from the Town Hall of
Almeria that the 12 APRIL 2007 they going to have the Plenary Meeting of
Cuevas in which they going to approve the Provisional Definitive Approval of
the PGOU approval process, after this Provisional Definitive Approval they
involves the submission of binding Sectorial Reports which should be
published within a period of one month. Once the said reports have been
issued, the completed dossiers will be sent to the appropiate department of
the Ministry for Public Wroks for Definnitive Approval within a maximum
periiod of 5 months in accordance; however as the Town Council has been in
discussion with the Ministry; they have expressed thier intent to include
“Definitive Approval” of the Town Plan for Cuevas del ALmanzora for the next
Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting of the Provincial Planning Committee.
Many thanks for your support.
Claudia Escudero Lezzi
Manager Customer Department
So this information is from the developer then ❓ 🙄
I verified it with my own developer (I’m not purchasing on ACC), my independant solicitor, and Cuevas Town Hall (I tried the Junta at Almería, but they referred me back to Cuevas).
I hopy you and family are ok when you receive this Email.
The reason of sending you an Email is because we have good news to give, and
it is that finally we have receive the CONFIRMATION from the Town Hall of
Almeria that the 12 APRIL 2007 they going to have the Plenary Meeting of
Cuevas in which they going to approve the Provisional Definitive Approval
the PGOU approval process, after this Provisional Definitive Approval they
involves the submission of binding Sectorial Reports which should be
published within a period of one month. Once the said reports have been
issued, the completed dossiers will be sent to the appropiate department of
the Ministry for Public Wroks for Definnitive Approval within a maximum
periiod of 5 months in accordance; however as the Town Council has been in
discussion with the Ministry; they have expressed thier intent to include
“Definitive Approval” of the Town Plan for Cuevas del ALmanzora for the next
Ordinary or Extraordinary Meeting of the Provincial Planning Committee.
Many thanks for your support.
Claudia Escudero Lezzi
Manager Customer Department
Has anyone on this development tried retrieving their money? Is there a breach of contract?
According to my solicitor, who has a number of clients purchasing on ACC, just over 200 purchasers (approx. 15% of the original purchasers) have requested and received, or are in the process of receiving, a full refund.
Definite and definitive very similar ❓ I’d throw that dictionary away, if I were you 🙂
If you check back, you will see that the words were not mine; they were a quote. I have, since posting the quote, obtained, from Cuevas Town Hall, a copy of the correspondence mentioned. The actual words used are Aprobación Provisional Definitivia.
” hopy you and family are ok when you receive this Email.
The reason of sending you an Email is because we have good news to give, and it is that finally we have receive the CONFIRMATION from the Town Hall of Almeria that the 12 APRIL 2007 they going to have the Plenary Meeting of Cuevas in which they going to approve the Provisional Definitive Approval
You are right, that is the phrase being referred to; but, if you read the posts that follow the original, it becomes clear that people are misreading it, and substitution Definite for Definitive (and attacking the post as being ‘gobbledygook’ – which it would be if it read Definite).
Definite = clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful.
Definitive = (of a conclusion or agreement) decisive and with authority
(decisive = settling an issue quickly)
So the way I see it: Cuevas issues the Provisional Definitive Approval (Aprobación Provisional Definitivia), and Almería the Definitive Approval (Aprobación Provisional Definitivia).
“…..attacking the post as being ‘gobbledygook’….” 😯
Just my opinion re. the content of the (developer’s?) letter.
AAA – with respect, if you read this letter to the average man in the street, and then ask what does this letter tell you information-wise – he would probably say “haven’t a clue”.
Remember that many purchasers wouldn’t understand the meaning/significance of ‘Plenary Meetings’ and ‘Sectorial Reports’ – they just need to be informed what the timescale of the delay is. IMO.
I held my hand up to misreading the word – and realise that it changes the meaning substantially. But I agree with Charlie, it’s still all gobbledegook! 😀
AAA is also guilty of misreading if you look at his response to my original post to him!! The whole letter is gobbledegook to a lay person, as Charlie & Tilly say.
So you are just an ‘average man in the street’ like me then Tilly. 😉
The best one I heard recently is when a Labour Minister stood up in Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons and in his speech referred to people who are employed as people “who are engaged in economic activity”. 😆
His speech was so riddled with such gobbledegook, even his own Ministers were scratching their heads in confusion as to what the content of his speech was all about.
What happened to the campaign for ‘Plain English’? And think it should apply to Spanish developers as well.
my mum has bought on ACC and wishes to pull out due to all the problems, can anyone please give us an address for a solicitor who is helping others in same position
many thanks sam
The PGOU was passed by Cuevas Town Council last Thursday (with unanimous political support), and has been sent to Almería for final approval (which is expected within the next 30 days).
El acuerdo pretende dotar al municipio de un arma para su desarrollo El nuevo plan ha conseguido consensuar a todos los grupos políticos
«Felicito a los partidos políticos por poner su responsabilidad y coherencia encima de la mesa para la aprobación del Plan General de Ordenación Urbana del municipio», con estas palabras saludaba el alcalde de Cuevas del Almanzora Jesús Caicedo, la aprobación provisional del PGOU que ha contado con la total unanimidad de todos los grupos en el transcurso del pleno extraordinario celebrado el jueves.
El PGOU que lleva fraguándose desde el año 2002 vendrá a solucionar algunos de los importantes problemas urbanísticos surgidos en el municipio y que en determinados casos han llevado al TSJA a la paralización de obras tanto en el núcleo como en determinadas pedanías como la de Palomares.
Largo estudio
Tras más de una veintena de comisiones informativas, el acuerdo ha llegado para dotar al municipio de un arma que posibilite el desarrollo del municipio. El paso siguiente será el de solicitar por parte del ayuntamiento los informes sectoriales y a su vez vinculantes para remitirlos a la Comisión de la Delegación Provincial de Obras públicas y Urbanismo para su aprobación definitiva que se espera sea lo más rápido posible..
Los portavoces del PP y PSOE coinciden en calificar como de «un día importante para Cuevas» el acto de aprobación del PGOU; Juan José Pérez concejal de urbanismo indicó a IDEAL sentirse satisfecho «porque es el producto del consenso de todos los grupos políticos que finalmente hemos conseguido un PGOU que creemos es el único posible en el municipio, llegando a un acuerdo de máximos» y manifestó además su intención de seguir trabajando para la obtención más rápida posible de los informes, «lo único que esperamos es que la Delegación provincial de Urbanismo nos agilice la aprobación definitiva».
Por su parte Miguel Fernández (PSOE) incidió en que era necesario el consenso de todos «un PGOU no debe ser nunca de un partido político sino que debe ser del consenso de los ciudadanos» y recordó que durante este tiempo «muchos promotores y constructores han estado al filo de la navaja» por lo que entiende que «con este acto lo que hacemos es consolidar un PGOU de Cuevas que era muy necesario».
I sincerely hope that this all goes ahead quickly and that work restarts. I feel extremely sorry for the people who have been waiting for so long and hope that it all comes right for them.
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