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    • #52259

      This is addressed to all spanish lawyers practsing in the world your name, profession, honour. integrety has been totaly destroyed.

      Members of your profession has brought you down to a level of a street hustler. My father was a lawyer ( not in Spain) I have read law though do not practise feel dreadful in the way people have been treated by the legal profession in Spain.

      If you lawyers have a kilo of sence of pride & humanity, defend the noble profession that you are in and offer your services free to David Dorrell.

      Please note that I am not a friend or have ever met David Dorrell. I am just outraged about their situation/plight.

    • #65878

      ……..mmm, gone a bit quiet on this thread,


      yep, the sad truth is, that many of us have never probably come across bent lawyers before, and we naively assumed their profession and the fact we are paying them, meant they wre bound to be acting in our best interest. What a lesson we are learning!

      The problem also is, because some developers/agents are even worse, you don’t know who is really to blame for the situation you find yourself in, and in some cases how could you until it’s to late? We are in that very position, we really don’t who is telling the truth and who is in bed with who if at all?

      It all boils down to the rubbish system again, it roques are aloud to flaunt the laws, then they will, and i havn’t seen much evidence of change yet despite huge amounts of proof of corruption/lies/fraud on this site alone.

    • #65879

      In the commercial world we all get into bed with another normaly to improve services, add value, competatiness etc.

      The law is there to uphold and see that justice is seen to be done and timely manner and apart from large corporate cases joe public gets justice.

    • #65881

      Your post is offensive Shakeel. You can be sure I won’t reply to any of your queries from now onwards.

      Generalising badly about the our profession is what made me come here in the first place.

      You have no idea wof what you are talking about. No spanish lawyer/law firm is going to act free in a case which could take years and cost at least 10.000 Euros. Don’t forget in Spain you have to pay for procuradores which charge as a general rule-of-thumb half of what we lawyers charge for the legal proceedings so that ads up to the professional fees.

      I give advises here for free, what is it that you do for “Joe Public” for free may I ask ? Stop acting in such a pathetically condescending manner.

    • #65884

      What an intolerant reply, I thought it was a perfectly reasonable post, well I sort of agreed with it 🙄

    • #65886

      Sorry, Draken if you feel that my post is offensive and I have hurt your ego. I happy to be presumed in which ever manner you feel and that is your right. It was directed towards your profession which fails the majority. I was very upset for people who lost their case they are not my friends or relatives.

      If you dont reply to my queries that is also your right as you say that you offer your services for free and that is very noble of you. Queries raised by people like me also helps others and form basis for healthy disscusions. It takes maturity to accept critism. Further you must undertsand that advising people about the law as it states, the section/the clauses does not offer solutions it only looks good in the lawyers library.

      Besides if you feel so upset and hurt you should look/and ask why this reputation of Spanish lawyers has been created ? was all this due to my offensiveness as you see it !!!

      I do not claim to have an idea nor do I beleive the lawyers work for charity. In so far cases taken years as a lawyer perhaps you have heard JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED. For the cost that you mention as a PR/ goodwill and to help towards the batered reputatyion of your profession why does some lawyers says that I will fight for your case for free however you pay the court cost and others which cost that feed the funcinarios.

      I am sure that 1000s of people who have been a victum of Spanish lawyers would not worry wether, If I am ofensive/condescending or not.

      They have their life dreams taken away from them and some cases life savings not to mention ill heath caused by stress.

      What I do for Joe public is between myself and my consiouns and I do not promote that on a forumi

    • #65889

      @shakeel wrote:

      It takes maturity to accept critism.

      It has nothing to do with maturity.

      It is about knowing how the spanish legal system works.

      EVEN if a lawyer were to work bona fide for Mr Dorrell, just who is going to pay for the procurador’s fees ? Is it coming out of the lawyer’s pocket, the same one who is working for free ? 😯

      One just hast to be more careful before patronising in such a way Shakeel

    • #65890

      @katy wrote:

      What an intolerant reply, I thought it was a perfectly reasonable post, well I sort of agreed with it 🙄

      Being called a street hustler is “reasonable” for you Katy ?

      As I’ve posted dozens of times already, these lawyers and law firms are only but a few. Mr Dorrell’s law firm crops up every week with a new case in this forum. Before hiring lawyers in Spain check Mark’s Black List of lawyers and law firms

      We all know which lawyers are these, please stop making such broad generalisations about spanish lawyers.

      For every one of my clients who has some kind of problem purchasing property in Spain there are ten that don’t. Let’s not build a mole hill out of a grain of sand.

    • #65891

      Hold on folks !!

      Whilst I appreciate all the help and support that is being offered I have to get out of this mess myself.

      If the legal system in Spain works in the end that’s good.

      If it doesn’t then postings here will help be a warning for others to ensure everything is carried out as it should and genuine law firms are treated with respect.

      If you continue in the way the responses to my problems are heading there will be NO future input from anyone !1

    • #65898

      Thank you David.

      I need to explain something.

      Some big, ugly estate agents (owned, run and staffed by foreigners, not Spaniards) send their clients to the same few legal firms – firms that can be relied upon to make the sale happen over and above the client’s interest. I see the same names of the same agents and legal firms cropping up time and time again in these problems. But the actual number of legal firms involved is very small, contrary to appearances. Literally a handful of big firms in a corrupt place like Marbella are giving the whole profession a bad name, at least as far as foreign buyers are concerned. You all know that that is not right.

      Of course we all feel indignant about the way David has been treated, and I suspect that his ineffective lawyers are part of the reason why he lost his case. But it doesn’t follow that whole system stinks and all lawyers are bad.

      And don’t take it out on Drakan. He is proof that there are many superb Spanish lawyers out there, and we are very fortunate that he gives up his free time to help us. The problem is that foreigners have been buying through the wrong estate agents, and using their recommended lawyers.


    • #65900

      Hi Mark,
      Let me first tell you that neither me nor others are taking it out on Drakan. Draken has taken the matter as it has been addressed to him personally. Besides as a lawyer he must undestand that people will not share his point of view and he has to argue/defend his standing/point of view on the subject matter.

      I have many Spanish lawyer friends and they admit how incompetant the system is wether its Marbella or Madrid or bilbao. Its for this reasons Spaniards take the law in their hand and do not even think about it twice of breaking it. Housing/building is only one sector.

      If our Forum can list these bent lawyers/firms, what is the college of abagados doing about it ???? shoulndt they strike these lawyers off to salvage the reputation and than people like me will not call them street hustlers. ( As I said my father was a lawyer and I have studied law myself) One has to call a spade a spade the world of profession is no place for emotions its based on law, facts.

      While, I appreciate your role the fact of the matter is that the reputation of the Spanish judicary is in the dirt and this everbody knows Spanish or not foreigner.

      In so far the estate agents are concerned wether the agents are foreign or Spanish they flourish because of the system that feeds it. Any honurable lawyer will tell his client of a thing call conflict of interest or the college of abagados has not heard of it.


    • #65901

      Hi again Mark,
      You list the good, the bad and the ugly on the Forum, shouldnt this be done by college of abagados from their Ivory towers in Calle Serrano !!!!

      As you know that many people do not know of your website but they are aware that every country the professions are monitered/guided by the school, institute etc. It is therefore fair for them to assume that a member of the profession will carry certain standards, duty of care etc and this is being monitered.

      It will interesting to see how the same street hustlers lawyers will behave if the college has teeth and they work on no win no fee basis.

      Let me guess if they get struck off they will become an estate agent

    • #65903

      @mark wrote:

      The problem is that foreigners have been buying through the wrong estate agents, and using their recommended lawyers.

      With respect Mark, how the hell is anyone to know who the right EAs are and who the wrong ones are.? 😕 😕 These are front line agents and you & I both know that the lawyers names who are most in the frame on this forum, “supposedly” come from the top law firms on the CDS. particularly the one used by David Dorrell. It is because they are prominent in the CDS that WE TRUSTED THEM!!! Why wouldn’t you trust a lawyer?…. is it because the answer is …. it is a Spanish lawyer?

      I know they should not all be tarred with the same brush. We have the highest regard for our Spanish Lawyer. If only they were all like him!

    • #66002

      As few sucess and long due justices are now coming our way. I hope that this is a turning in the battered reputation of the Spanish Legal system.

      I also hope that Draken has now cool down and we can be friends again.

    • #66034

      Just a thought………

      When are we going to see Spanish Laywers do what has happened in the USA and the UK and ensure that they do onward litigation correctly – NO WIN NO FEE.

      It has crossed the Atlantic to the UK and works very well. It is noted how much more success those working on this basis have than those that won’t enter the field.

      Having considered the case carefully, the solicitor will state yes or no to taking it on NO WIN NO FEE. If he refuses the case it is fair to say it’s chances of succeeding are low!

    • #66039

      I fully agree with Pauland lynn. The problem is that this may even be introduced but like all laws in spain they look nice in a binded legal library.


    • #66067

      @paulandlyn wrote:

      Just a thought………

      When are we going to see Spanish Laywers do what has happened in the USA and the UK and ensure that they do onward litigation correctly – NO WIN NO FEE.

      It has crossed the Atlantic to the UK and works very well. It is noted how much more success those working on this basis have than those that won’t enter the field.

      Having considered the case carefully, the solicitor will state yes or no to taking it on NO WIN NO FEE. If he refuses the case it is fair to say it’s chances of succeeding are low!

      This is called “cuota/quota litis” agreement and is forbidden in Spain although some lawyers use it.

    • #66072

      Its not really free anyway Drakan (not in the UK anyway, the clients have to pay a large sum for insurance in case the case is lost.) Bit of a UK scam this one 🙂

    • #66085

      The insurance is to cover the cost of the other party in the event that you dont win your case

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