Having posted a while back about how to import your car, and having had some helpful advice from Cesar, I thought I would post a guide to what you need and HOW you get it, having finally got my car on Spanish plates !!
Here it is:
Any spelling mistakes are mine and it is probably only a definite guide for those in Asturias, simply changing the plates from UK to Spanish, no change of ownership involved but!!
About You:
You need to have a ‘Tarjeta de Residencia’ or ‘Tarjeta Extranjeros regimen comunitario’ – an official identity card with your photo, fingerprint, signature and NIE on.
If you don’t have this:
You will need:
Original document with your NIE on.
Reason for needed to import a car – escritura, rental contract etc..
To obtain a NIE (number only) you will need to visit the ‘oficina de extranjeros’, probably at the offices of regional government, in the provincial capital, with the right paperwork.
To obtain a card, you need to make an appointment, then you wait for a letter telling you your NIE and then go to another office for fingerprinting, wait another 25 days and you get your cards! 2 separate amounts are paid, at the 2 stages.
About your car:
Original registration documents – having sent the part saying you are exporting the car back to the UK.
‘Tarjeta de Inspeccion Technica’ and blue and pink ITV paperwork – To obtain this, you will have to get your car ITV’d (the equivalent to MOT) at the nearest centre to ITV non-Spanish cars. Unlike the Uk, you stay with the car and partake in the test..turning lights on and off etc!
Once your car has passed the test, you will need to wait 25 days to pick up the Tarjeta de Inspeccion Technica (=registration docs) and ITV blue and pink sheets. Costs vary by province, to have a test to get paperwork to change the address is cheaper than importing the car – by about half! To import was 110 euros in Asturias.
Proof that you have paid the VINETA – The local car tax, payable in the area you are ‘empadronated’ in, probably in the town where your ayuntamiento building is. You need to take your documents to the ‘agencia tributuria local’ and they will calculate how much tax to pay – for example my Ford Mondeo 2L was 78 euros.
Proof that you have paid the ‘1st registration tax’ ‘impuesto especial’ (MOD 576). This is 12% or 9% of a set base rate. In order to do this you will have to goto the regional office of the Agencia Tributuria, in the provincial capital probably (Here in Oviedo). You will need to find out the base rate for your car, the % you are to pay and the amount and goto your bank with this information…this is the expensive bit, nearly 700 euros for my 5yr old car! Once you have paid, making sure the receipt you get from the bank has the name of the person the car is registered in on it, return to the Agencia, and they will enter all your details onto their system and produce a MOD 576 form! You may need to fill in some other details to register you on their system in the first place, getting a load of bar code stickers with your name and NIE on in return but…
Then you will need to take all of these documents to the Jefatura de Traffico..probably in the same city as the Agencia…
Go to the information desk, you will have to complete a form with VIN on and goto another desk to pay a TASA (68 euros in Asturias).
Then join the very long queue for the ‘Vehiculos’, hand over all your paperwork and identification mentioned above (and have photocopies of all of it to be on the safe side!) and hopefully you will be told to return the next day to pick up your new registration number!
In Oviedo, if you got there before 10:30, you could pick this up the same day between 13:30 and 14 (Mon-Thursday, Fridays and last day of the month you had to be there before 9:30).
Once you have this, get some plates made up – cost me just over 25 euros for 2 and fix to car!
Change car insurance to Spanish plates!
You can use a gestor for this but I think it is time consuming rather than anything else; 1 morning for ITV test + returning to get it, plus another 2 mornings for the taxes and Jefatura de Trafico (but if you had asked my during the process, I might have said otherwise, not knowing how to get stuff was the hardest!).
You do not need to be 100% fluent in Spanish, but do need to be a fairly confident, and an ability to cope with red tape would help!
I have to go through this all again in the new year with my husbands RHD!
Heather you were talking earlier about just registering change of address and not needing to change plates. Did you have to change your mind on this or why did you opt for Spanish plates.
There have been articles in the press that since December 2006 it is no longer necessary to “import” any vehicle when all of the movement is within the EU. Unfortunately our local town hall, Traffico & ITV centre no nothing of this, neither does the British Consulate.
I have imported 3 vehicles of my own so I know the process but as I have Spanish residencia where do I stand with the new rules. I still have a vehicle in the UK which I want to be free to drive in either country. I may well spend more than 180 days in Spain or in the UK. I cant keep changing the registration back and forth. I just want to keep this on UK plates, pay my road tax in whichever country I am in, get a local MOT or ITV as appropriate.
I know several people in the Cartagena area who have had UK reg vehicles here for years but they ITV them and pay road tax. They even receive reminders from the ITV when their next test is due.
Seems every area has different rules.
We did not have to “import” our car to change to Spanish plates and didn’t need fingerprints taken plus documentation from ITV centre in Lorca were handed over immediately after the test.
We undertook this procedure within a month of us moving here.
Once we handed our lawyer all our vehicle documentation plus photo’s we then had a maximum of 30 days in which to sign on at the Padron ,change headlights ,have car ITV’d and send off this paperwork.
Had we delayed the process , signed on at the townhall or arranged for residencia before organising this then import duty would have to have been paid.
I tried to register a US registered Jag last year to no avail and the ITV boss was ready to call the Police as he couldn’t find the engine plate numbers, thinking the car had been tampered with.
To cut a VERY long story short the car was re-imported back to the states and sold, it had done more miles backwards and forwards than it had on the clock!