Data on average rental prices, average prices in €/sqm, and the number of rental contracts signed in Barcelona. Data from City Hall (Ajuntament) and the property portal Idealista (rental asking prices in €/sqm).

Barcelona rental prices & number of contracts (SQL id 338)

The Barcelona rental market in terms of 1) the average monthly rent in euros, the average monthly rent in €/sqm, the number of contracts signed and registered with INCASOL / Gencat, and asking prices in terms of €/sqm per month from the property portal Idealista.

Barcelona rental prices by district (SQL id 245)

Rental prices in €/sqm for a selection of Barcelona districts. Gencat = contract prices, Idealista = asking prices

Barcelona rental price index by district (SQL id 409)

Rental price index for a selection of Barcelona districts. Gencat = contract prices, Idealista = asking prices. Average rental price of 2015 = index base (100)