Data and analysis of Home sales in Barcelona, both citywide and broken down by district, with data from a variety of public sources.

This data page is all about residential property / real estate / home sales in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia The data and charts on this page will help you answer the following questions:

  • How big is the Barcelona property market?
  • How many homes are sold each year and quarter in Barcelona?
  • How has much has demand for property in Barcelona increased or declined?
  • How many homes are sold in each district of Barcelona?
  • How do Barcelona home sales break down between new homes and resale properties?
  • How many foreigners buy homes in Barcelona ever year?

Use the ‘show entries’ option to display the number of periods or records you want. ‘All’ will show all the periods in the data set. Use the table headings, especially of the first column on the left to organise / toggle the data as ascending or descending (default position is descending so you see the latest results at the top of the table). Use the filter field under the first column to focus on a period or series in that column. For example, type ‘Q’ just to see quarters, ‘M’ for months, or ‘Y’ for years. Type ‘202’ to see all periods this decade, or ‘2021’ just for the year 2021. The table will automatically update to reflect your filter parameter, and any charts associated with the table will update according to your filter. And if you see a ‘Columns’ button you can use that to toggle columns > click on the button to show/hide columns. P.S. if you ever see FNR that means Foreign Non-Residents.

YouTube video guide to using tables and charts

Barcelona sales by district (SQL id 334)

Barcelona sales broken down by district · Data from the Generalitat (regional government) based on Land Registry figures · The table is filtered to show quarterly data by default (see the 'q' at the bottom of the PERIOD column · The Barcelona index base period is 2014 · Order the table by clicking on the column headings.

Barcelona new home sales.

Barcelona new and resale data (SQL id 339)

Barcelona home sales broken down by new and resale segments. Data from Gencat based on Land Registry figures.

Sales by origin of buyer

Barcelona sales by buyer type (SQL id 340)

A breakdown of home sales in Barcelona by type of buyer. Data from Gencat.