Home sales increased by 1.9 per cent in April, whilst house prices fell by 3.9 per cent as a national average, according to the latest data from the General Council Of Notaries.
Reporting the figures last month for March, I looked at the factors behind rising sales and falling prices. Nothing has changed in the last month, so rather than repeat that analysis, you can read it here: Homes Sales Up, Prices Down, What Gives?
What has changed is a small drop in the volume of sales, and a smaller fall in prices, but the changes are not particularly significant.
Once again the official statistics can’t agree on the direction of house prices. The latest Official House Price Index from the National Institute of Statistics for Q1 says prices rose 1.5 per cent over twelve months to the end of March, whilst the Notaries say they fell 7.5 per cent in March, and 3.9 per cent in April. They can’t both be right.
The most important March housing market figures from the notaries are present below in graphic format.