This data page delves into the number of expats and immigrants living in Spain with their paperwork in order. These number include EU nationals registered with the Spanish state to spend three or more months in Spain, and all other expats and immigrants who Spanish ID cards (TIE) or other types of permission to stay in Spain. These numbers do not include illegal immigrants and expats who do not have official permission to reside in Spain.

Foreign resident / expat numbers in Spain

The tables below allow you to see how many expats / foreign residents live in Spain broken down by nationality and the province in which they live. Use the filter at the bottom of the first column on the left to focus on a particular nationality or province, and click the column headers to organise the data in ascending or descending order.

The pie charts illustrate the provincial distribution of expats from the UK, Germany and France.

Use the ‘show entries’ option to display the number of periods or records you want. ‘All’ will show all the periods in the data set. Use the table headings, especially of the first column on the left to organise / toggle the data as ascending or descending (default position is descending so you see the latest results at the top of the table). Use the filter field under the first column to focus on a period or series in that column. For example, type ‘Q’ just to see quarters, ‘M’ for months, or ‘Y’ for years. Type ‘202’ to see all periods this decade, or ‘2021’ just for the year 2021. The table will automatically update to reflect your filter parameter, and any charts associated with the table will update according to your filter. And if you see a ‘Columns’ button you can use that to toggle columns > click on the button to show/hide columns. P.S. if you ever see FNR that means Foreign Non-Residents.

YouTube video guide to using tables and charts

Expats by nationality and province (SQL id 221)

Source: Observatorio Permanente de la Inmigración (OPI) - Spanish Government. End Year 2022

Expats by province and nationality (SQL id 222)

Source: Observatorio Permanente de la Inmigración (OPI) - Spanish Government. End Year 2022

Expat numbers over time

Expats by country and year since 2013 (id 135)

Source: Observatorio Permanente de la Inmigración (OPI) - Spanish Government. This table of data from the Spanish government's Permanent Immigration Observatory shows how expats from different nationalities have changed in number over time. The table includes all foreigners resident (or with permission to live) in Spain at the end of every year The table is set by default to filter all countries marked with an * (see bottom of first column). Delete the asterisk to see all countries.

Country 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 22/21 YoY
Afghanistan 350 393 438 469 536 618 689 792 1,161 3,003 158.7
Africa 1,045,916 1,031,587 1,028,236 1,018,328 1,042,478 1,061,927 1,090,066 1,096,500 1,126,370 1,158,092 2.8
Africa (other) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0
Albania 1,299 1,286 1,312 1,359 1,525 1,657 1,811 1,914 2,267 2,798 23.4
Algeria 58,249 57,476 56,492 54,540 54,909 55,400 56,135 55,585 56,165 58,178 3.6
All nationalities 4,943,619 4,925,040 4,985,205 5,063,454 5,255,647 5,446,204 5,702,196 5,844,973 6,053,531 6,493,147 7.3
America (other) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Andorra 757 764 792 832 869 912 957 967 972 990 1.9
Angola 1,479 1,401 1,389 1,355 1,366 1,380 1,390 1,385 1,387 1,397 0.7
Antigua And Barbuda 5 4 5 7 6 7 6 10 19 20 5.3
Argentina 68,544 62,075 59,509 57,959 59,552 61,369 64,675 66,479 71,591 82,235 14.9
Armenia 9,232 9,329 9,430 9,513 9,908 10,023 10,001 9,788 9,725 9,824 1.0
Asia 372,356 385,109 395,555 417,279 441,637 462,669 484,175 489,682 506,277 531,196 4.9
Australia 1,415 1,526 1,603 1,746 1,911 2,058 2,240 2,172 2,235 2,488 11.3
Austria* 10,234 10,722 11,140 11,569 12,100 12,663 13,229 13,617 14,120 14,834 5.1
Azerbaijan 404 412 426 463 494 545 596 615 640 711 11.1
Bahamas 7 5 6 6 7 7 12 11 16 19 18.8
Bahrain 4 7 8 13 24 45 56 33 40 45 12.5
Bangladesh 10,666 11,101 11,720 12,630 13,661 14,658 15,740 15,585 16,192 17,020 5.1
Barbados 7 8 6 7 8 10 14 16 13 24 84.6
Belarus 3,459 3,537 3,682 3,841 4,058 4,249 4,506 4,535 4,961 6,084 22.6
Belgium* 28,720 30,249 31,988 34,098 36,486 38,811 41,294 43,395 45,784 48,550 6.0
Belize 18 18 19 20 16 17 17 16 22 20 -9.1
Benin 296 293 279 278 286 300 288 263 278 280 0.7
Bhutan 16 14 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 6.7
Bolivia 131,254 115,189 106,286 96,283 94,632 91,112 87,561 81,081 77,527 74,149 -4.4
Bosnia And Herzegovina 1,598 1,560 1,532 1,522 1,544 1,563 1,552 1,537 1,540 1,539 -0.1
Botswana 3 5 6 8 8 9 10 6 7 10 42.9
Brazil 56,956 54,187 53,515 53,112 56,633 59,714 62,576 62,647 64,454 68,003 5.5
Brunei Darussalam 5 6 5 9 10 11 12 14 13 13 0.0
Bulgaria 179,165 182,363 185,846 189,101 192,539 195,879 199,536 200,930 202,749 204,205 0.7
Burkina Faso 1,030 1,039 1,065 1,071 1,141 1,181 1,208 1,218 1,327 1,600 20.6
Burundi 49 49 53 64 59 71 73 73 87 93 6.9
Cambodia 20 22 29 37 38 49 53 53 50 55 10.0
Cameroon 4,734 4,757 4,731 4,753 4,911 5,085 5,217 5,088 5,302 5,479 3.3
Canada 2,207 2,373 2,526 2,694 3,015 3,198 3,433 3,546 3,942 4,439 12.6
Cape Verde 2,573 2,490 2,501 2,523 2,578 2,599 2,611 2,534 2,549 2,561 0.5
CAR 43 42 40 55 82 113 126 153 183 205 12.0
Central & South America 1,014,856 911,215 867,176 828,884 852,153 877,831 940,401 985,310 1,029,974 1,137,414 10.4
Chad 45 49 47 50 50 51 58 63 79 97 22.8
Chile 23,823 21,678 20,845 20,060 20,323 20,702 21,079 20,832 21,406 23,001 7.5
China* 184,013 190,907 196,512 203,221 211,121 218,048 224,868 227,133 230,657 235,264 2.0
Colombia 162,549 140,080 128,955 120,845 123,219 126,775 132,982 137,352 153,748 185,789 20.8
Comoros 3 3 3 3 5 4 4 5 5 4 -20.0
Congo 2,728 2,593 2,532 2,436 2,432 2,433 2,456 2,392 2,455 2,442 -0.5
Costa Rica 1,056 1,085 1,116 1,199 1,380 1,533 1,667 1,720 1,814 2,117 16.7
Cote D’Ivoire 2,293 2,316 2,439 2,505 2,717 2,895 3,173 3,457 3,900 4,452 14.2
Croatia 588 903 1,334 1,701 2,175 2,579 3,021 3,275 3,623 4,145 14.4
Cuba 43,784 41,490 41,030 39,046 41,146 42,993 45,810 44,959 46,655 53,062 13.7
Cyprus 388 431 484 559 622 689 777 852 939 1,047 11.5
Czech Republic 10,885 11,323 11,774 12,189 12,656 13,164 13,637 13,957 14,367 14,906 3.8
Denmark* 11,287 11,975 12,640 13,489 14,350 15,159 16,049 16,513 17,221 18,082 5.0
Djibouti 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 0.0
Dominica 170 149 141 130 134 150 156 167 212 274 29.2
Dominican Republic 71,742 65,704 62,917 59,191 61,229 62,562 63,085 60,436 59,422 58,825 -1.0
Ecuador 223,312 192,142 175,161 163,857 160,209 157,109 153,825 147,472 143,000 138,204 -3.4
EFTA 29,135 30,333 31,613 32,907 34,673 36,052 37,740 38,948 40,434 42,203 4.4
Egypt 3,053 3,097 3,226 3,357 3,598 3,729 3,924 4,138 4,508 4,908 8.9
El Salvador 4,039 4,233 4,574 4,733 5,202 5,729 6,227 6,850 8,193 11,559 41.1
Equatorial Guinea 8,654 8,360 8,265 8,070 8,235 8,443 8,562 8,427 8,454 8,629 2.1
Eritrea 50 55 57 97 188 276 306 307 318 389 22.3
Estonia 2,370 2,553 2,760 2,981 3,223 3,467 3,721 3,877 4,057 4,339 7.0
Ethiopia 606 575 573 563 571 579 599 595 605 613 1.3
EU27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,596,575 2,674,384 2,768,682 3.5
EU28 2,285,968 2,365,968 2,454,583 2,549,504 2,656,264 2,767,865 2,897,282 0 0 0 0.0
Europe (other) 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 0.0
Falkland Islands 2 2 2 3 6 4 11 10 10 14 40.0
Fiji 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 8 7 10 42.9
Finland* 11,328 11,896 12,579 13,302 14,195 14,923 15,654 16,097 16,709 17,433 4.3
France* 116,549 123,950 131,925 140,466 149,612 159,031 169,547 176,908 185,881 195,845 5.4
Gabon 94 97 101 100 94 105 105 111 119 133 11.8
Gambia 20,029 19,616 19,256 19,184 19,520 19,871 20,267 20,183 21,321 23,036 8.0
Georgia 8,840 9,215 9,577 9,972 10,344 10,797 11,257 11,346 11,980 13,185 10.1
Germany* 143,233 148,395 153,249 158,027 164,062 169,426 175,489 179,459 184,933 192,017 3.8
Ghana 15,122 15,185 15,202 15,352 16,159 16,799 17,482 17,350 18,763 19,988 6.5
Greece 5,380 5,791 6,247 6,729 7,304 7,923 8,589 9,031 9,595 10,484 9.3
Grenada 7 7 5 6 8 8 10 8 12 20 66.7
Guatemala 1,971 1,872 1,698 1,667 1,629 1,748 2,017 2,171 2,658 3,714 39.7
Guinea 9,326 9,164 8,992 8,905 8,979 9,033 9,218 9,075 9,309 9,762 4.9
Guinea-Bissau 4,340 4,319 4,304 4,163 4,179 4,243 4,267 4,170 4,330 4,585 5.9
Guyana 12 12 10 9 10 12 13 13 14 15 7.1
Haiti 254 265 284 297 331 356 380 377 407 440 8.1
Honduras 20,091 22,382 25,095 26,722 29,964 33,758 37,817 40,053 47,859 62,220 30.0
Hungary 12,894 13,689 14,490 15,364 16,306 17,323 18,429 19,217 20,043 21,214 5.8
Iceland 1,105 1,172 1,259 1,359 1,448 1,577 1,745 1,893 2,006 2,146 7.0
India 32,990 34,287 35,258 36,853 39,334 41,845 44,787 45,121 46,679 49,879 6.9
Indonesia 1,210 1,262 1,330 1,387 1,423 1,477 1,549 1,660 1,764 2,084 18.1
Iran 2,707 2,857 3,097 3,564 4,562 5,068 6,074 6,688 7,079 8,288 17.1
Iraq 974 990 1,090 1,184 1,420 1,598 1,860 1,883 2,287 2,451 7.2
Ireland* 15,691 16,804 17,876 19,025 20,330 21,767 23,676 25,250 27,736 30,296 9.2
Israel 1,289 1,352 1,422 1,538 1,721 1,825 1,921 1,903 1,929 2,227 15.4
Italy* 204,984 217,365 234,169 252,692 275,334 301,969 332,911 351,409 377,361 412,006 9.2
Jamaica 59 59 65 62 67 66 106 128 124 144 16.1
Japan 5,091 5,214 5,307 5,465 5,637 5,758 5,966 5,962 6,131 6,319 3.1
Jordan 970 950 978 1,014 1,114 1,147 1,233 1,251 1,242 1,341 8.0
Kazakhstan 717 852 1,013 1,178 1,361 1,624 1,994 2,141 2,700 2,961 9.7
Kenya 1,007 1,042 1,064 1,093 1,153 1,193 1,228 1,220 1,232 1,276 3.6
Kuwait 32 45 63 75 88 96 123 115 143 176 23.1
Kyrgyzstan 229 229 223 225 241 252 273 266 288 338 17.4
Laos 75 74 78 82 83 94 93 93 91 95 4.4
Latvia 7,152 7,413 7,746 8,078 8,428 8,782 9,248 9,559 9,912 10,429 5.2
Lebanon 1,149 1,192 1,236 1,357 1,496 1,608 1,774 1,945 2,214 2,530 14.3
Lesotho 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 0.0
Liberia 199 195 196 200 197 202 200 203 203 207 2.0
Libia 414 468 584 718 943 994 1,128 1,197 1,352 1,550 14.6
Liechtenstein 42 47 49 50 55 57 57 61 61 64 4.9
Lithuania 23,297 23,766 24,385 25,124 25,981 26,872 27,684 28,203 28,810 29,521 2.5
Luxembourg 538 569 589 613 657 689 748 804 877 997 13.7
Macedonia 407 417 417 448 468 505 517 535 557 551 -1.1
Madagascar 137 149 157 168 182 187 200 198 203 224 10.3
Malawi 11 11 14 21 23 23 26 30 33 34 3.0
Malaysia 248 252 275 302 318 342 361 362 391 426 9.0
Mali 21,788 22,503 22,844 23,773 24,764 25,745 26,621 27,013 29,483 35,220 19.5
Malta 276 303 324 341 368 411 470 541 591 687 16.2
Mauritania 10,007 9,689 9,480 9,154 9,171 9,115 9,064 8,994 9,208 9,562 3.8
Mauritius 83 82 84 96 108 120 127 133 123 120 -2.4
Mexico 14,675 13,935 14,416 14,756 15,990 17,346 18,743 18,844 20,341 22,646 11.3
Micronesia 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.0
Moldova 16,404 16,329 16,178 16,072 16,183 16,237 16,097 15,557 15,078 14,421 -4.4
Monaco 3 3 5 8 9 9 9 8 10 14 40.0
Mongolia 331 377 401 452 497 543 558 562 600 648 8.0
Montenegro 145 145 153 173 200 197 215 219 228 243 6.6
Morocco 784,225 769,690 765,813 756,009 772,646 785,465 807,149 814,513 833,200 844,943 1.4
Mozambique 253 246 249 248 256 265 278 284 302 294 -2.6
Myanmar 19 26 33 38 38 39 53 53 65 75 15.4
Namibia 36 40 38 40 37 45 52 52 59 66 11.9
Nauru 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0
Nepal 1,824 2,173 2,560 2,886 3,225 3,653 4,022 4,187 4,562 4,958 8.7
Netherlands* 47,157 49,610 52,247 55,006 58,020 61,311 64,660 67,327 70,392 74,972 6.5
New Zealand 445 468 452 515 566 597 636 629 658 753 14.4
Nicaragua 10,434 12,137 13,931 14,733 16,333 17,583 19,608 21,039 24,693 31,070 25.8
Niger 185 175 169 166 171 171 185 177 206 229 11.2
Nigeria 34,323 33,991 33,837 32,956 33,627 33,992 34,189 33,067 32,033 31,392 -2.0
No Info 7,481 7,993 9,379 12,615 13,699 15,131 18,193 21,269 21,373 22,361 4.6
North America* 37,048 37,325 38,863 40,447 44,031 47,040 50,647 50,972 55,027 60,993 10.8
North Korea 3 2 4 5 7 6 8 9 14 13 -7.1
Norway* 14,022 14,620 15,139 15,668 16,381 16,798 17,378 17,740 18,280 18,879 3.3
Oceania 1,874 2,008 2,071 2,275 2,493 2,676 2,907 2,824 2,921 3,294 12.8
Oman 7 33 35 17 7 51 43 15 15 12 -20.0
Pakistan 70,106 71,299 71,325 74,362 78,622 83,106 87,206 87,531 92,469 98,273 6.3
Palestine 362 319 335 386 631 893 1,016 1,262 1,438 1,606 11.7
Panama 1,166 1,121 1,160 1,173 1,264 1,356 1,472 1,435 1,505 1,746 16.0
Papua New Guinea 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 100.0
Paraguay 49,025 49,615 50,360 49,840 51,290 52,082 52,817 51,587 52,940 56,319 6.4
Peru 85,717 70,487 64,528 60,157 60,536 62,563 65,636 65,416 68,710 80,614 17.3
Philippines 29,916 29,958 30,608 31,375 32,131 32,919 33,833 34,145 34,646 35,989 3.9
Poland* 88,178 90,402 92,693 94,885 97,338 99,979 102,721 104,295 106,499 109,474 2.8
Portugal* 140,310 143,611 147,925 152,491 158,319 165,446 172,896 176,902 182,052 188,023 3.3
Qatar 2 3 11 20 29 46 55 56 54 80 48.1
Rest of Europe 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 573,528 607,458 780,096 28.4
Rest of Europe 28 152,726 157,499 162,419 167,523 175,069 182,579 189,882 0 0 0 0.0
Romania 925,376 950,253 976,247 1,002,598 1,029,600 1,054,101 1,076,161 1,085,801 1,098,252 1,110,373 1.1
Russia* 43,844 46,921 50,101 53,108 56,498 60,009 63,933 65,651 70,555 77,963 10.5
Rwanda 126 120 135 137 151 164 185 175 203 206 1.5
Sahara 87 65 55 42 33 32 32 29 29 28 -3.4
Saint Kitts And Nevis 7 9 12 15 26 34 34 46 46 81 76.1
Saint Lucia 9 9 7 7 7 8 10 12 15 14 -6.7
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 3 2 2 0.0
Samoa 2 2 3 2 3 4 8 4 6 5 -16.7
San Marino 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 9 9 0.0
Sao Tome And Principe 79 74 73 81 87 87 84 88 83 83 0.0
Saudi Arabia 304 421 260 456 679 795 664 736 1,695 1,709 0.8
Senegal 53,637 55,500 57,106 59,009 61,583 63,978 65,905 66,492 70,457 76,024 7.9
Serbia 2,270 2,260 2,317 2,414 2,516 2,635 2,756 2,765 2,811 2,896 3.0
Seychelles 15 16 14 15 16 17 16 17 16 21 31.3
Sierra Leone 637 623 586 581 564 571 566 554 576 612 6.3
Singapore 193 203 213 252 266 285 306 306 307 331 7.8
Slovakia 9,844 10,140 10,505 10,821 11,216 11,612 11,995 12,191 12,460 12,870 3.3
Slovenia 1,546 1,681 1,825 1,989 2,173 2,338 2,548 2,675 2,891 3,115 7.7
Solomon Islands 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0.0
Somalia 337 436 539 628 667 752 807 823 855 942 10.2
South Africa 821 815 886 967 1,070 1,169 1,323 1,313 1,443 1,670 15.7
South Korea 2,354 2,443 2,519 2,607 2,770 2,930 3,044 3,060 3,125 3,264 4.4
Sri Lanka 391 407 416 434 452 467 478 451 466 490 5.2
Sudan 214 214 226 235 245 260 286 388 531 1,114 109.8
Suriname 14 14 14 15 18 20 19 18 16 15 -6.3
Swaziland 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 0.0
Sweden* 23,202 24,487 25,903 27,558 29,343 31,123 33,093 34,490 36,530 38,818 6.3
Switzerland* 13,966 14,494 15,166 15,830 16,789 17,620 18,560 19,254 20,087 21,114 5.1
Syria 2,431 3,447 4,087 9,966 13,564 15,193 16,906 17,532 17,922 19,242 7.4
Taiwan 392 411 439 446 478 532 570 599 647 685 5.9
Tajikistan 26 30 26 29 35 36 39 43 46 63 37.0
Tanzania 186 194 205 210 228 236 241 250 271 317 17.0
Thailand 1,417 1,469 1,538 1,629 1,752 1,841 1,935 1,967 2,060 2,211 7.3
Togo 374 369 376 377 392 391 388 377 405 416 2.7
Tonga 2 2 3 2 2 2 5 3 3 2 -33.3
Trinidad And Tobago 44 42 51 50 60 56 63 70 70 74 5.7
Tunisia 1,799 1,755 1,791 1,806 1,909 1,949 2,086 2,113 2,179 2,428 11.4
Turkey 2,227 2,282 2,479 2,725 3,395 3,769 4,194 4,427 4,644 5,386 16.0
Turkmenistan 14 17 18 27 30 31 43 46 45 63 40.0
UAE 5 5 8 12 11 19 53 29 31 44 41.9
Uganda 58 62 76 77 83 91 105 113 114 142 24.6
Ukraine* 80,299 81,982 83,438 85,007 87,789 90,823 93,321 94,014 96,612 255,153 164.1
United Kingdom* 265,396 275,324 285,693 298,708 313,527 330,428 359,499 381,384 407,206 412,040 1.2
United States* 20,166 21,017 21,921 22,997 25,026 26,496 28,471 28,582 30,744 33,908 10.3
Uruguay 25,374 23,163 22,008 20,904 21,235 21,172 21,328 20,905 20,810 21,285 2.3
Uzbekistan 368 371 396 406 419 434 456 437 459 524 14.2
Vanuatu 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 8 24 200.0
Vatican City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 100.0
Venezuela 33,404 31,973 33,862 36,771 45,675 57,217 99,376 151,981 162,001 182,340 12.6
Vietnam 599 657 712 805 913 1,107 1,264 1,435 1,646 1,982 20.4
Yemen 59 74 81 102 127 197 317 447 544 669 23.0
Zambia 22 23 24 22 27 30 35 33 38 47 23.7
Zimbabwe 51 52 56 62 73 77 74 69 71 73 2.8