As i am just about to start the process of trying to sell my villa i have just converted my villa website from one that showed my friends and family what they could do there if they wanted to use it, to a villa for sale site, i was wondering if anybody wanted to give it a quick look over and see if i have made any glaring mistakes or feels it needs more or even less, i will just use it to supplement adverts i’ll place in places like fotocasa etc
looks like a nice place and the location is good for rentals i would have thought, maybe you could put something about it being only a short drive to places like oliva denia etc as well as the caves at benidloig
Good point i’ll stick that in, ive never been to those caves but if you like caves you have to go the the Coves of Sant Josep at La Val d Uxo which is about 20 miles north of Valencia they are simply stunning its the longest underground navagable river in the Eu you are taken through the caves in punted boats, truly beautiful.
“les coves de sant josep” here’s the co ordinates;
39°49’27.66″N 0°15’9.64″W
They seem to be little known to tourists but ive been twice and loved them both times, when you go in the summer its pretty busy but still stunning, but last year i went around xmas and we were the only ones both in the boat (apart from the punter) and on the river going through the caves and it was one of the most serene moments i can ever remember having.
As i am just about to start the process of trying to sell my villa i have just converted my villa website from one that showed my friends and family what they could do there if they wanted to use it, to a villa for sale site, i was wondering if anybody wanted to give it a quick look over and see if i have made any glaring mistakes or feels it needs more or even less, i will just use it to supplement adverts i’ll place in places like fotocasa etc
But I would like to make a few suggestions.
First, home page meta description is all wrong for selling a villa:
“Beautiful villa to rent or stay bed and breakfast, accommodation based near Valencia City, close to Chiva, Bunol, and Cheste racing circuit, perfect location to relax, large pool and stunning views, good base for las Fallas and the Americas cup 2007 ” Keep this alot simpler and more related to selling
Ditto for your keywords. You have chosen far too many. stick to the key ones and remember less can be more.
The page title FOR SALE, should be an H1 header and it should be VILLA FOR SALE followed by the location. I would also personally make it a link to the homepage.
simplify the links on the site.
change home to villa for sale
our villa to property description
Also make all unimportant links contact us, weather, etc.. no follow links
Finally if your proeprty is well priced, better than the nearby competitors, you could put them on your site to show yours is the most competitive.
Get a google map on your site showing exactly where it is.
If it was successful as a rental, give rental income, etc…
Finally put a link in your signature. You never know but as you post on spanishproperty or any other thread that one person might click through might buy!.
and personally I would include all running costs, etc… of the property.
hope this helps
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