There is currently a news blackout on the truth in Britain

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    • #57146

      The British media are into overdrive in concealing the truth about the true state of the British economy. The mainstream media are using overseas news stories like the situation on the Gaza strip as news distraction stories to divert attention away from what is really happening in Britain. The British public are being treated like mushrooms by being kept in the dark and being fed on manure. A similar news blackout occurred at the height of the Lawson boom in the late 1980’s when the then Chancellor Nigel Lawson was running the economy into the ground by letting an economic and housing boom get out of control with the sole intention of making alot of money for the rich city slickers in the City of London despite the horrendous economic consequencies that would result from the massive inflationary expansion of the money supply.

      The mainstream media has a way of lying without actually lying and that is by withholding information and not telling you what you really need to know. The mainstream media will not tell you what you need to know, only what they think you ought to know. The media are quite happy to tell the truth about what is happening overseas because it doesn’t rock the boat or affect this country but when it comes to reporting on what happens in this country the media are far more circumspect and show considerable restraint for fear that it might upset the ruling establishment and bring about change that the ruling elite do not want. After all, if democracy mean’t change the authorities would never allow it. There is a conspiracy of silence amongst the big news organisations to suppress information about what is really happening in Britain in order to maintain the status quo.

      The only time that you know that something bad is happening in the country that will affect you is not when the mainstream media tells you about it but it is when you experience it yourself. It is only through the passage of time that the media will feel itself obliged to tell you the truth about what is happening today. Maybe when twenty years have elapsed will the media tell you the truth about what is happening today in the hope that in the passage of time people will have forgotten about the events happening now and when revealing the truth will do little political damage because it concerns something that happened a long time ago.

      People in Britain are being kept contented by rises in house prices when the economic reality is that the economy is collapsing all around them. The truth that the media don’t want to tell you is that Britain hasn’t had an economy for thirty years. Much of Britain’s manufacturing base was destroyed in the recession of the early 1980’s and much of Britain’s service sector was destroyed in the recession of the early 1990’s. Britain’s relentless cycle of boom and bust has been highly destructive and means that Britain just doesn’t have an economy at all anymore and instead all it has is a warped housing market. The media brainwashes people about property by producing and broadcasting many property programmes, feeding on people’s greed by dwelling on the high valuations given to property. Despite the fact that Britain doesn’t have an economy the country still managed to have a housing boom after the recession of the early 1980’s and managed to have a housing boom after the recession of the early 1990’s.

      What the media are not telling the British people is that people’s pensions are being wiped out and will end up worthless when people retire because of rising inflation and poor annuity rates which means that people will have to quite literally work until they die. The Government is increasing the retirement age by giving the argument that people are living longer and so it will cost the government more in providing pensions to people because people are not dieing quickly enough. However, the notion that people are living longer is wrong. It is claimed that advances in medical science and better nutrition are making people live longer but there are nowadays all sorts of fatal diseases that have emerged that are incurable like AIDS, hepatitis C, Hospital superbugs like MRSA and the incidences of cancer are rising despite better treatments for cancer. The cancer rates are rising because of all the modern day additives that go into processed food, environmental pollution and because of the radioactive fallout from the atomic weapons tests that took place in the atmosphere back in the 1940’s and 1950’s before the introduction of the nuclear test ban treaty. Where ever you go in the World, be it in the north pole or Antarctica, you will be able to detect minute traces of radioactive isotopes in the soil that could only have come from the atmospheric nuclear tests and these radioactive isotopes have been entering the food chain since the 1940’s and have been giving people cancer. Many diseases caused by viruses are becoming more resistant to treatment because they are evolving and are becoming more virulent and lethal.

      The most common type of death are from heart attacks, strokes and cancer, neumonia, diabetes. Heart attacks have been increasing because of increased stress and people being overweight and poor lifestyle, strokes have been increasing because the elderly cannot afford to keep warm in winter and are getting burst blood vessels in the brain or a blockage of an artery in the brain because of the cold. There are other illnesses that have emerged like Herpes etc that are chronically debilitating. People are being lied to when the Government says that people are living longer. The truth is that most people die in their sixties and never reach seventy and some never live long enough to pick up their pension. For instance the actor Richard Beckinsale died when he was 31. Leonard Rossiter died when he as 57.

      The media are not stating the true inflation rate and are happy to quote the dubious figure given by the Bank of England. What the media refuses to say is that Britain is regressing back to the seventies with stagflation which is a depressed economy and high inflation and high unemployment. Britain experienced inflation rates of 30% in the mid seventies and that is happening right now with all the Quantitative Easing, money printing by the Bank of England which is debasing the value of money and the consequencies of the long economic boom that started in 1997 that has injected huge inflationary pressures into the economy. The true inflation rate in Britain is really between 20%-30% rather than the 3% figure issued by the official sources.

      The unemployment figures issued by the government are made up as well. The official unemployment rate is 10% of the working population but that excludes people on disability benefit and people in education and people who have given up looking for work and are no longer signing on. The true unemployment rate in Britain is really somewhere between 20% to 30% but the mainstream media continue with spouting the fiddled unemployment figures issued by the government as though they reflect reality when they are fantasy.

      The people of Britain are being continually being brain-washed by the relentless diet of rubbish television programmes like East Enders and Coronation Street, X-factor and Harry Hill’s TV Burp. These programmes are the opiate of the masses designed to keep the masses contented and prevent people questioning authority and what the government is doing whilst the government steals peoples pension funds and debases the currency.

      The deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, in desperation to get votes at a gay pride march in London said that gays should be wary of the current economic problems the country is facing because the gays will get the blame for Britain’s economic problems and high unemployment. This statement by Nick Clegg is clearly preposterous because the group of people that have traditionally been blamed for an economic crisis have been the jews and not gays.

      Forget about relying on the mainstream media to tell you the truth about what is happening in Britain today. The only media sources that will really tell you the truth about what is happening in Britain are the Marxist or Communist publications or foreign media outlets like Russia Today or PressTV or Al Jazeera. The internet is a tremendous source of information that you will never find in the mainstream media and it is worth checking out videos and websites on current affairs and economics to get a more objective point of view of what is really happening rather than relying on the mainstream media which has a vested interest in giving you a distorted and biased view.

    • #113456

      As this post has no relevance to ‘all about property in Spain’, it should be moved to the ‘all other subjects’ forum.

    • #113466
      Fuengi (Andrew)

      this must be a ‘gay zionist’ conspiracy!

    • #113467

      this must be a ‘gay zionist’ conspiracy!

      😀 😀 😀

    • #113477

      @jakesuper wrote:

      The internet is a tremendous source of information that you will never find in the mainstream media and it is worth checking out videos and websites on current affairs and economics to get a more objective point of view of what is really happening rather than relying on the mainstream media which has a vested interest in giving you a distorted and biased view.

      Yes if like you Jake you enjoy and believe deluded conspiracy theories which support the persecution of minorities.

    • #114926

      Wow! What an intense rant! Congratulations for adding white space between thoughts, because if that was one blob, nobody would/could read it.

      You are giving the news media too much credit by implying that they have some set of values that drives their decision to over-report trivia and under-report important topics. Here in the US our mainstream media reports only what is non-controversial (well, except for Faux News) because they are afraid of losing readers/viewers or alienating advertising revenue. Sorry to deflate your rant, but it is mostly just the money, honey, not a conspiracy.

      That is why many of us here now include Al-Jazeera in our news streams; they have gone from being a militant news organization to arguably one of the best, most complete, news outlets. During their rise to respectability, CNN went from being the best to being a mouthpiece for the government, after they supposedly broadcast classified information and were brought to heel in the resulting manufactured furor.

      The takeaway here is that what appears to be the media “suppressing” the truth may actually be the BBC board of governors making some tough political calls to keep their public funding, or simply Rupert Murdoch pulling his puppet strings to advance his conservative xenophobic (redundant, I know) vision of the perfect world order.

      Relax, it’s always been this way. In the long run, we muddle along, sometimes making serious mistakes in our media-induced ignorance, but at least we aren’t burning libraries or blowing up Buddhas.

    • #114927

      @Carey wrote:

      Wow! What an intense rant! Congratulations for adding white space between thoughts, because if that was one blob, nobody would/could read it.

      You are giving the news media too much credit by implying that they have some set of values that drives their decision to over-report trivia and under-report important topics. Here in the US our mainstream media reports only what is non-controversial (well, except for Faux News) because they are afraid of losing readers/viewers or alienating advertising revenue. Sorry to deflate your rant, but it is mostly just the money, honey, not a conspiracy.

      That is why many of us here now include Al-Jazeera in our news streams; they have gone from being a militant news organization to arguably one of the best, most complete, news outlets. During their rise to respectability, CNN went from being the best to being a mouthpiece for the government, after they supposedly broadcast classified information and were brought to heel in the resulting manufactured furor.

      The takeaway here is that what appears to be the media “suppressing” the truth may actually be the BBC board of governors making some tough political calls to keep their public funding, or simply Rupert Murdoch pulling his puppet strings to advance his conservative xenophobic (redundant, I know) vision of the perfect world order.

      Relax, it’s always been this way. In the long run, we muddle along, sometimes making serious mistakes in our media-induced ignorance, but at least we aren’t burning libraries or blowing up Buddhas.

      I actually think Al Jazeera has gone downhill after uprising since it’s very obvious they underreport stuff that happens in Yemen, Saudi etc. When it comes to news reporting its always best to look at all sides as having vested interests and being most reliant on media not involved in the direct conflict being reported upon.

    • #114929

      Al Gore has just sold Al Jazzera his TV station Current TV for so many zillions. $500 million actually. It will be interesting to see if Al Jazzera have a reawakening and become green reporting environmental issues.

      Al Jazzera is funded by the petro dollars of the Qatar oil state. Maybe they have seen the green light or is it just about the money? Yup, it’s just about the money. 🙁

    • #114937

      What a joke to pay those sums for such a crappy TV-network. Money created by slaves and luck.

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