Anyone going to the auction at Alicante Casino 22 Feb or anybody selling a property at the auction?
The last auction according to their website produced 14 sales out of 42 lots, some others i am told were also sold after auction.
Properties were sold for 20% + Below Market Value I am told, some good bargains there then.
Anyone going to the auction at Alicante Casino 22 Feb or anybody selling a property at the auction?
The last auction according to their website produced 14 sales out of 42 lots, some others i am told were also sold after auction.
Properties were sold for 20% + Below Market Value I am told, some good bargains there then.
Happy New Year
As property prices in Spain could easily fall by 25%, not such a great bargain. Spain is in the doo doo best to give it a miss for the momeny.
I have noted your emails over the many many months i have been a member and you seem to have a habit of offending other members, this is not spam , and an apology from you is expected.
You are obviously someone with an impulsive nature and cant seem to use your time to do some research (how long i have been a member etc) and i have a rule that anyone not doing quality research is NOT entitled to an opinion, or the world would be run by News Of the World, Daily Express and Daily Mail readers etc.
If someone said the moon was made of cheese i think you would buy shares it chedar cheese, how does it feel to be on the other end of an accusation that is unfounded, think before you speak and write?
BT OPTING OUT AND 135 YEARS WAITING are not entitled to an opinion on the Spanish Property Market as they have not done any research and are just giving one liner cliche emotional opinions.
There is no such thing as a Spanish Property Market there is a Valencia market, Madrid market and indeed within these markets there are other markets such as bog standard identikit low quality apartments ( very very very difficult to sell) as opposed to high quality front line golf apartments or marina views property.
Some property markets in Spain are rising in value some are falling, if you think they will fall 25% in the next two years , no chance, have a look at respected property gurus like Ajay, Parmdeep, Singing Pig, Deutscebank, Bankinter, Bloomberg etc there are no stats on a 25% fall in the Spanish Market, maybe in Toree bog standard apartments will fall by 25% but who would want to wait till 2010 to buy a c–p apartment to in Torrevejia?
Can you elaborate on your thinking between my THIS TOPIC post and a previous post that i was an agent in the Coast Of Light.
What is your accusation, what is your motive for your post, what are you trying to prove?
I fail to see the connection between my post and your post, again you are someone with an opinion without relevant research or intelligent thinking, buy a few books on how to think at amazon to improve your logical thinking.
I am currently thinking you are very rude 👿 I was also thinking that you are advertising and thirdly I was thinking that you are writing a load of rubbish…clear enough 😡
Sorry you have no place here,only 19 posts in over nearly two years and I fancy most of them where commercialy minded
What done it for me was in your opening post you seem to promote an auction that in the past has been selling Spanish property at 20% below market value then low and behold a couple of posts later you are quoting experts who say that this will not happen.
Had a look at the website, you cant even see whats on offer unless you give your personal details, suggest you look at for how it should be done.
By the way, in a very short topic you have told at least 3 forum members that they are not entitled to an opinion, we dont do things like that here, WE ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO OUR OPINION
Some property markets in Spain are rising in value some are falling, if you think they will fall 25% in the next two years , no chance, have a look at respected property gurus like Ajay, Parmdeep, Singing Pig, Deutscebank, Bankinter, Bloomberg etc there are no stats on a 25% fall in the Spanish Market, maybe in Toree bog standard apartments will fall by 25% but who would want to wait till 2010 to buy a c–p apartment to in Torrevejia?
Happy New Year
Property gurus?? They are all have vested interests and will never acknowledge crashes.
You are either an agent or very naive and quite stupid.
I’m absolutely in agreement with you on this one when it comes to the importance of doing research, especially “before you speak and write”.
I actually enjoyed a little bit of research myself after reading your posts and noted how you were advertising here on SPI your 2 bedroom 2 bath, frontline golf apartment, stating how it’s a “top quality development by award winning builders Taylor Woodrow”.
Imagine my surprise when a couple of months later you posted: “Have a property in Alicante and cracks appeared on inside of house , have tried to get it fixed by them for over 4 months no success, so have written to my local Member Euro Parliament.
Much of the grounds at the development need work on it and Taylor Woodrow are ignoring residents requests and delaying doing any work, after sales service is useless”.
Oh dear 😯 – and what was that you were saying to Katy about intelligent thinking? Shooting oneself in the foot comes more to mind.
May I politely (as against rudely) suggest it’s perhaps worth you heeding your own advice and buy a few books on how to think from Amazon.
They have a good one at the moment: ‘The Mind Gym: Wake Your Mind Up’. Worth a try?
@swansea wrote:
…. who would want to wait till 2010 to buy a c–p apartment…
Obviously not you – looks like you’ve already bought yours.
And how did you describe the two different markets in Spain……oh yes “bog standard identikit low quality apartments ( very very very difficult to sell)”, I assume that’s where yours belongs as it obviously doesn’t fit in your other category of “high quality”.
Anyway, I do wish you good luck in selling, probably at the auction that started this thread which you so subtly promoted.
Anyone for an apartment at Alenda Golf? IT’S AN ABSOLUTE CRACKER.
If correct Swansea then silly you for setting your self up. 😯
And you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you Frank….. 😉
“Accused on a hunch”? No, research, research, research!
Remember Swansea’s “rule” now Frank. He said “I have a rule that anyone not doing quality research is NOT entitled to an opinion”. Well I thought my research was ‘quality’ so assumed I was ‘entitled’. 🙁
When posters come on here and are blatantly rude……
I’m just surprised he’s not in Argentina already:
@swansea wrote:
I am thinking of buying in Argentina, too much corruption and high taxes in spain, smelly dirty towns, over development, too many larger lout brits, too much dirt piled on side of road and not landscaped, too many chavs, too many negative things about banks, developers, british estate agents etc, never thought i would ever buy anywhere than spain, but argentina here i come, very cheap cost of living, vey good life for a few pounds, and free flights if you use american express, i recommend timothy ferris book, the 4 hour workweek.
Spanish Property Insight Justice ?
Accused on a hunch ,Judged, Convicted by the Jury and sentence passed.
No hunch Frank. To advertise a property auction such as Swansea has is blatantly flouting the forum rules. You only have to read previous postings and headings of Swansea to see he is an agent of some ? description.
Frank I cannot keep up with the many (inconsistent) hats you wear. 😉 🙂
Agree with you Frank that everyone has a right to reply/give their opinions.
Telling people they are “not entitled to an opinion on the Spanish property market” as Swansea did would indeed have the opposite effect of encouraging new posters.
Claire wasn’t rude! She stated that the post was spam (and she was probably correct). Swansea was annoyed that he/she had been rumbled and decided to turn nasty. Frank, you are way out of line, this person is not a “new” poster and seems perfectly capable of defending themselves, even to the point of being aggressive.
So that an apology I hear coming down the line Frank? 😆 I’ll remind you again,..I’m not stupid and very much more intuitive than you would give me credit for.
For the record Jim,I’ve not been rude to you as JUST FRANK. I may have given as good as I got from you posing as sunbelt,glassman, fairplay, pussycat, Just Dan and the many other aliases you have used on this and other forums. 😉
Frank wrote to charlie:
As I said before as far as research and knowledge is concerned you win hands down gal
Have just shown my wife, she says “little do they know”.
But seriously this website is a great source of information, inspiration and debate about Spanish Property and associated matters,you learn every day from a broad cross section of the community that live both at home and in Spain.
Unfortunately we have a few blinkered, argumentative, rude and aggresive people who post also,but hey thats DEMOCROCY.
Claire 🙂
I would always trust the intuition of a lady against a man. 🙂
You were correct in your picking up on Swansea and thats intuition at its best. 🙂
On a personal note regarding aliases and I have nothing to hide so let me clear up something that in this case the intuition appears somewhat flawed and you appear to have this fasination with who I am.
My name is Jim
The name I use for this forum is Just Frank
The name I use for the other forum is Just Dan and all postings are their and here for anyone to view.
As you know that most of us use different identities on each forum including your goodself as in the main the 2 forums do have a rather different direction and identity.
I am neither pussycat or fairplay, sunsurf. so would appreciate it if you could refrain from insinuating that I may have something hide.
I have removed my postings from this thread as it appears that my intervention was not welcome.
The only reason that I am replying is that I should have the right of reply to incorrect information posted and allowed to remain.
Thanking you in anticiaption of your agreement 🙂
Just Frank 8)
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