Someone know something about imlix and wordwidegroup?

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    • #57376

      Hello, someone know something about imlix and worldwidegroup?

      are they goods?? someone had an xpecerience with them?

      thank you very much!!!

    • #119073

      I wouldn’t touch worldwidegroup with a barge pole. I contacted them by email when I wanted to sell my apartment. The man (I’ve forgotten his name) was really pushy at first, and later down right rude. Because of this I checked them out. They are run from a rundown little Irish suburban office with what looks like a hand painted sign over the door. I checked out their managerial staff/directors/owners and the directors seem to change very rapidly, and the owner is in debt according to the reports I saw.
      The man who corresponded with me actually became quite abusive when I informed him I would not be using his agency to sell my flat. In the end I had to mark his email address as ‘junk’ to stop his mails coming through to my inbox.

      But, maybe he was just having a bad week, who knows?

    • #119074

      I’ve just had a look at their website and as a result I completely agree with Elaine, ‘don’t touch them with a barge-pole’.

      Click on their Partner List and they have what looks like an impressive display of partners/agents/developers, but, I’ve never heard of any of them before, stick to agents you know who’ve been recommended.

      They boast they ‘have 25 years collective experience’, which is absolute tosh, for instance that could be 50 employees each with 6 months in property sales, so it’s nothing, or 2 people in Ireland who’ve each worked 12.5 years for some dodgy agent like Ocean Estates (now defunct)

      They sort of remind me of that Irishman who also had a group dealing in Worldwide properties and who is now being sued by 100’s of ripped-off customers not only for mis-sold properties but also furniture packages that were not delivered. 👿

      Steer clear if you value your money and investment. 😉

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