Haven’t you realised yet the Spanish interprete the laws to suit themselves 🙄
Bars are free to choose unless they are over 100 m.sq when they have to have a seperate area. Have yet to see one with smoking banned.
Restaurants similar. Although even those who opt for a smoking ban do permit it when it suits.
But most of the time everyone is out of doors so there is no problem unless of course you are a non smoker.
Hi Mel,
thanks for the info, that’s pretty much the response i was expecting.
here in Wales, we have dozens of peak hatted, hobnail boot wearing, gestapo types wandering into licenced premises sniffing the air, shouting “you vil not smike”
Always the UK that adheres so rigidly to the new rules
Must admit to enjoying this nasty habit and recently popped back to London. Was wondering how I would cope but noticed the air is so polluted compared with here ,due obviously to traffic fumes… can’t blame us smokers anymore … that didn’t feel the need to indulge.
I agree with Melosine, when no smoking law was first introduced only official tobacconists could sell cigarettes. All the shelves were emptied of cigarettes, after a few months everyone was selling them again albeit under the counter. A small kiosk I know sells them in full view of the police station across the road. Such is life in Spain 🙄
Constantly see the Guardia in bars here. And not drinking coffee either. Smoking on the streets as well.
Bet the members of P still have their smoking room in the Houses of P.
As far as I can see (as a non smoker) there is absolutely no difference. Even bars over 100M who are supposed to have either a completely separated room or an air curtain (an extraction unit) have not done so – except a few English bars.
However I do know of a couple of bars who have had the extraction units put in and when they don’t work it is usually the Smokers who complain that the air is smoky – go figure.
In general it is a case of “Ban – What Ban – it doesn’t apply to us – Does IT?”
Isn’t it always the case though, someone dreams up these schemes and the UK applies the rules so rigidly that the whole of offical-dom squeaks, whilst the rest of Europe just sticks their fingers up.
even as a smoker, i can’t argue with the ban and i’m checking out painless ways to give up (trying to rope in the OH as well) the money saved would pay our UK mortgage, shocking!!
I am not a smokers or ever has been and for health reasons agree with the Ban. I would like to state that what ever comes from the EU, the EU allows for local/traditional/cuntural variantions and our civil servents have a field day to add on to the EU regulations.
What ever you have to say if the English/British following the rules or not!
The People in Europe will not allow their the government to walk over their citizens and will not tolerate or accept rules which will affects their freedom/quality of life. Spead camera, Bus lane camera, over zelous parking attendent. Taxes on pertol, 30%+ above inflation increase in Council tax. Parking meters outside a quite street, Council not collecting house rubbbish apart from food or packaging, enforeced war, Ban on hunting etc etc.,
Its would be nice to have some anarchy in the system. Remember the poll tax riots even lady not known for turning had to do turn.
Hi Skakeel,
Couldn’t agree more, i was part of the fuel protests back in my taxi driving days and it amazed me trhat we all backed down so quickly.
The Brits love to hate the French but they don’t put up with the crap that we do, no sir, they are out on the streets making their feelings felt, in no uncertain terms.
I kinda hope the Spanish are the same, i’m sick of feeling that i’m part of such a weak, capitulating country that just rolls over on comand
…….well sorry to spoil the party a bit, but i think the fox hunting and smoking in public places bans, are the best things to happen for ages, having said that, i do agree that we allow ourselves to be steam rollered and treated like children on many issues. I think most of us have double standards when it suits us though? how many people i wonder that dissagree with the smoking ban would have stood up for me and my fellow workers when we fought with the unions for a decent standard of living back in the seventies? And as for Spains anti-rules society……. well great…. sometimes!, but what about if you are one the thousands who have been cheated out of your life savings by crooks who are allowed to prosper because of a very weak system that just panders to greed and corruption. I think the U.K looks a whole lot nicer place to be in these situations. As usual, it just depends which side of the fence you are on?
As a life long non smoker who has watched a large proportion of my extended family die from smoking related diseases, I am all in favour of the smoking ban and can’t wait for it to come in to force in England.
As a frequent visitor to Spain, I do think the regulations have made an impact. In the area I visit the larger restaurants do have a non smoking area which was unheard of before.
The small bars usually have a sign clearly displayed in the window saying whether the place is smoking or not – most (but certainly not all) are but that’s fine by me – I now have the option of whether I sit in someone else’s smoke or not!!
Despite being a smoker – I’m all in favour of a ban in bars and restaurants in designated areas/premises.
However, I’m not in favour of a total ban everywhere – as I think people still have the right of choice. If they want to smoke there should be places where they can go, and if they want to be in a smoke-free atmosphere, people also have the right to be able to do that.
Whereas I do not like having a coffee/drink where the atmosphere is clouded with other people’s smoke, I do resent the idea of not being able to even sit outside a cafe and enjoying my double-strength cappucino with a cigarette.
Both sides of the fence should be respected.
By the way, I seem to remember reading that in the UK whereas the ban will include even private members’ clubs, the House of Commons will be exempt from the new legislation.
I also cannot wait for the smoking ban to take place!! 😀
Many pubs/ restaurants where I live have already made the switch to non smoking. On Saturday, we went to a pub and it was so nice to come home and not have our clothes and hair stinking of stale tobacco. Designated non smoking areas do not work as smoke/smell drifts in the air.
The only problem I foresee is never being able to sit outside in a pub garden as all seats will be taken by smokers. 🙁 I am soooo anti smoking that I think it should be banned in all public places. Sorry Charlie!!! 😆 All of my family smoked except my brother and I. My father died at 58 because he ignored Dr’s advice to stop smoking! 3 other relatives had emphysema. A dreadful disease.
Think the majority of smokers think like you. We are not the inconsiderate folk people want to believe.
Most of us wished we never started but we did and continue because we enjoy it and find it relaxing. It doesn’t change our personalities like those who imbibe in drugs or alcohol.
Most are respectful of others and when it was banned in cinemas ,transport etc thought it a good idea. Though instead of being kneedeep in ciggie buts we are now waist high in fast food rubbish. !!Would never indulge in a non smoking household even when the owners say, without us asking, we can.
We are taking the flack for the inconsiderate people who are polluting this earth. People who use their cars for the shortest of journeys belching out exhaust fumes on children in buggies. Have seen many a child splutter .
So the H of P have kept their smoking room….typical.
Now we smokers have been duly admonished for our crime whose next in line when the pollution we caused doesn’t improve.
We are taking the flack for the inconsiderate people who are polluting this earth.
I would also like to see toxic bonfires banned, especially on a sunny summers day!! The car problem can only really be solved by car manufacturers. People need cars for a multitude of reasons. But that’s another topic. 😉
I am a smoker 😳 and all my family are very anti-smoking! I don’t object to a ban in restaurants etc. My daughter and son-in-law complain when people are smoking at outside table and I think this is going to far! Little has changed in Spain, it is mainly the Brit places who have bans but everywhere else it is business as usual 🙂
I am not a smoker or have ever been and have been as much disturbed by smokers in public places or a animal lover or hater. Those were examples that I gave to show what is happening. While the real issues of life which affects a citizens day to day life carries on.
Charlie: Yes we lie down and take it is because the the Citizens have got their mortgage paid, they have their football season ticket, mrs is happy their is a dish washer and she gets her two weeks in the sun. In order to acheive this utopia you have to work your guts out. As a result the Citizens have no energy/thoughts left to think of any thing else this is on top of the endamic apathy.
Would never indulge in a non smoking household even when the owners say, without us asking, we can.
Absolutely with you on this and all your post Melosine. The idea of my cigarette polluting even the curtains/furniture in a non-smoking house is abhorrent to me.
Talking of bans in general, and wandering off the subject of smoking for a moment but staying with civil liberties – what gets to me more is the fact that where my home is in UK (yes glassman, Torquay!! 😉 ), from April to September I am banned from walking my dogs on the beach. Even at midnight! Needless to say, I always pick up and dispose of any ‘little gifts to society’ my dogs may leave but during the Summer months – even when the beach is empty in the early mornings and late evenings, us locals are banned with our dogs – despite our heavy council taxes that help pay for their upkeep. And there are two I-love-my-job-so-don’t-mess-with-me ‘poo inspectors’ that make sure we obey or are fined heavily.
What about the drunks who think it’s fun chucking their beer bottles and leaving broken glass on the beach, or the Mums who deem it their right to discard soiled pampers on the beach?
And I don’t feel my dogs are any worse for peeing on a beach that is washed by the tide twice a day as any worse than the holidaymakers’ kids who do the same thing. Not to mention all the sweets/crisps wrappers/bottles.
It seems that those of us in society who would happily live their lives in a respectful way despite having certain social ‘pieces of luggage’ – in my case ciggies and two dogs, are just blanketed with a ban regardless.
Where I live at the moment, everyone can do everything – anywhere, but there is respect for others. For me it’s the perfect scenario.
Leaving the onus on society to make it work without the government donning it’s ‘Nanny’ outfit.
Actually don’t see that many people smoking thesedays. Even in Spain.
When I first arrived the tellers and bank manager ,used to smoke whilst working!!, in our local branch. That did concern me though as I thought they might set my money alight . Ashtrays everywhere.
Seriously it is not the best of habits, especially for us smokers, and honing in on us is a start but pollution is a far bigger problem and it’s up to everyone who indulges in other noxious habits to get there houses in order as well.
I think there is definitely a niche on the forum for a “…and another thing…” thread. It would make great reading and enable us to vent about day to day irritations!! 🙂
One of my grievances is trying to get through to a living breathing,human being on the telephone instead of a recorded message that gives options that do not cover what my query/problem is!! 😡
Automated customer ‘helplines’ – now that really does deserve a thread of its own. At least you can swear your head off without offending anyone….
(this thread is a bit like Chinese Whispers 😆 ).
And another thing found an unpaid Iberdrola Bill at the weekend, it was threatening to cut me off today, so ready to tackle the Spanish utility company mentality I braced myself for the ordeal. I was passed immediately to a very helpful English speaking operator. She advised me not to worry and that she would note on my account not to cut of the service for at least 2 days giving me time to pay the bill.
Perhaps I could persuade her to moonlight for Telefonica and try and sort out why I am being charged for 3 ADSL packages each month when I only asked for 1.
to get back on thread at least now there is some element of choice (in Spain) whereas prevoiusly there was none.