Real Estate around Barcelona area

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    • #53180

      Hello,…I am considering setting up a business in Barcelona, however I do not want to stay in the city, primarily due to the high cost of purchase or rental. Ideally I would like to investigate the possiblity of long term rental outside of the city….up to 1 hr travelling north or south. ( or inland ) I hope this would help in reducing the cost of the accomodation to a more reasonable figure. ……Is this a realistic expectation..??
      Does anyone have any experience of this, or advice they could offer ?. I am reasonably familiar with the Renfe routes to Pineda de Mar / Calella / Santa Susana on the north side, and down to approx Sitges on the south side… As you can tell my knowledge is based around the typical resorts, and so I would be interested to hear of any ‘non resort’ locations.

      Any thoughts anyone….?

      Many Thanks.


    • #75310

      I am not quite sure how helpful I can be re prices John but we have just bought a holiday home just outside Vilafranca del Penedes. I have noticed the new rail line although I haven’t actually used it yet. Vilafranca is at the side of the A7 so is convenient for the motorway it usually takes us about 1 hour to get to the centre of Barcelona. It is about half an hour from the coast. There is alot of new building going on here and I can tell you not many Brits buy here so it is mainly for Spanish purchasers. However again it is not what I would call cheap!!!

      Hope that is a little helpful

    • #75593

      You might want to consider Terrassa. I visit my friends often at their flat there; it is a small city about 45 minutes inland from Barcelona. Everywhere in Terrassa is within walking distance of either RENFE or FGC lines into Barcelona. It is a classic small non-touristed, totally Spanish city. It has a pretty el centro, pedestrians-only, and lots of nice shops. Some good restaurants too. My friends got their 90 m2 flat with 3 bedrooms & 3 terraces & 2 baths for slightly over $200K euros, in a nice convenient area 18 months ago. It’s not cheap, but it’s certainly not Barcelona prices. Good luck!

    • #75594

      Sherry, your signature quote is great. It is one that Spanish and British people especially, should take note of. (IMO.) 😉

    • #75628

      Thanks Claire,

      I’ve been lurking on the site a while, soaking up info since my husband and I are planning to purchase a finca in inland Castellon province in about 4 years or so. That is, if the dollar ever recovers . . . I’m a US attorney and find all the legal problems here unbelievable. It does look like intensive research, checklisting, etc. are key. Thanks for all your good posts!


    • #75629

      Hi Sherry

      I guess you must be looking to move to Spain, 8+ hours on a jet just to visit is gonna be a bind 🙂

      Seattle by the way is one of my favorite places



    • #75630

      As you say you are an Attorney, that means naturally you are going to research/collect facts.

      While no research is enough. I feel you ought to realise your research would have a sell by date as in any Country things change in the case of Spain the local, regional, provincial laws could change.

      Good luck

    • #75639

      Absolutely right Shakeel, lots of info becomes quickly out of date and thus actually misleading. We do plan to move from the US so it’s a huge project and I don’t want to blow it with lazy planning. I wish my US legal training was helpful here but it’s not really. Thanks for all your good posts I’ve been reading. It’s an excellent forum.

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