Has anyone heard what is happening here / Is there anyone who has been asked to pay council compensation for illegal builds/ I bought on los lagos and understand this is illegal / overbuilt. A further question who would pay on properties not yet completed on
Thats the question many of us have had to ask ourselves and I am on Green Hills next to you and after legal advice I went to completion rather than risking loosing my sustantial deposit. ❓ ❓ ❓
Everyone to their own but I wouldnt like to have to try to get a mortgage now or part with the cash at these exchange rates.
Having said that there may be bargains available at better prices than we paid so?
All depends on individuals/advice and each case and dont think its right for anyone to say whats right or wrong here. unless they have inside facts on each case.
No havent heard of anyone needing to pay and at the last report this was a no no.
The proposal of which illegal developments get demolished and or stump up land to the town hall have not yet been approved by the Junta. It will be a while seeing as there were thousands of objections meaning it all has to be looked at again.
SO does that mean potentially these properties will have no first occupancy licenses and therefore any one who completed is unable to sell for possibly many years. I heard that these licences were to be sorted in next few mths – but in view od last post now seems unlikely
Karen 🙂
This is the same situation with thousands of properties in Marbella estimates 50,000 + and up until the corruption raised its head it wasnt a real issue and resales were and still in many slightly older property cases still going through.
No one at the moment seems to be able to give an indication as to how or when this mess can be sorted so its difficult ,not impossible to re-sell.
The longer they take to sort it out the bigger dept the developers are getting into because of non completions so raising the risk of bankruptcy and lost deposits.
There is no doupt it will end in tears and financial disaster for many and in particular the investors who bought several to resell and of course the innocent that have been caught up in mess.
Bloody mess thats for sure and as I have said there appears no winners here whether you have completed or not completed. 👿
On the bright side your location is very good and as they say its LOCATION,LOCATION,LOCATION.
Its going to be a long haul and some may never see the value of the property return to what they paid for them and others may take many years to come to see a return at all.
Inez is the best to confirm or kindly correct my understandings as she is hands on.
On the bright side your location is very good and as they say its LOCATION,LOCATION,LOCATION.
In many peoples opinion, if the building is illegal or does not have a habitation licence due to irregularities, it is irrelevant how good the location is.
Good point Claire
I should have said LOCATION,LOCATION,LOCATION if its legal.
If not they will have to knock them down or make them legal.
Where will they start with the 50,000 + properties and who is going to pay the ones that have completed.?
What happens if they make them legal in 2008 as thats what we are looking at.
Thanks for pointing this out and should have added that your input and advice is also very valuable to the lady in question as you can go back to 2002. 😉
Its still all up in the air! No further forward but a proposition of how to legalize from the marbella town hall – which attracted loads of protests – and which would have to be approved by the junta to come into effect!
If you bought before all this and therefore can claim innocence, then after a year or two (if lucky) you should get a license with no problem as it will be argued they were bought in good faith.
If you bought after then you take your chances. I have a situation at the moment where we are trying to find out the likely costs possibley maybe in the future should the buyers decide to proceed!
Personally they will either get thier fingers out now xmas is over and sort it cos many people cant sell now and with the new decree in place agents can be heavily fined if they dont have all paperwork in place anyway therefore complaints etc etc etc, OR it will be fogotten about until the next election comes along!
Hey ho!
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