Thought I’d cashed in all my pesetas but have found some more 😯
I’ve had conflicting advice on where they can be cashed in, but I think it may be Madrid only now. Can anyone clarify please ❓ Thanks 🙂
I’ve discovered today that pesetas are being sold on a certain website (not sure if I can mention the name so thought best not to). After looking at other websites it seems that some peseta notes/coins are quite valuable – very interesting. So have a dig around everyone & see if you’ve got any treasures lying around ❗
Last year I changed Pesetas to Euros in the Bank of Spain in Barcelona. At the BoS website it says you can change at any BoS branch. Just rang the BoS in Madrid (+34 91 338 5000), and they confirmed to me that you can change Pesetas into Euros at any branch of the BoS, not just in Madrid.
When I changed my Pesetas there was a couple of yoofs (Spain’s answer to the hoody) in the queue in front of me trying to change some very exotic looking Peseta notes. Real Franco-era paper. Turned out the notes were fakes.