Nota Simple – understanding the legal jargon

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    • #56592

      The nota simple isn’t all that difficult to get to grips with, however there are some parts phrased in legal jargon which makes an understanding of the implications difficult to grasp. In the text below it is clear that the property is or has been the subject of €3084 in taxes.

      Can any one make clear:

      1) Does ALEGADA EXENCION mean that the taxes have been paid?
      2) What is the most likely reason for these taxes ie where do they come from?
      3) WHat is the implication of ‘ 5 years’?

      Afecta por 5 años al pago de la liquidificacion que por el Impuesto en su caso se gire, quedando liberada por 3084 EUROS pagadas en autoliquidacion. Torrox a 4 de junio de 2007. Alegada exencion, que afecta por 5 años al pago de la liquidacion que por el impuesto en su caso se gire. Torrox a 22 agosto de 2007.


    • #108236

      Hi Jackass,

      Never been in a situation where a charge in on the property but this may / may not take you a liitle step further. Its a smaple nota simple produced by the Official Spanish Registry along with a translation ->


    • #108239

      Probably, you will understand those terms if you know that in the case of this tax, the person who must pay it also must calculate the amount….and tax office have five years to control that all is ok.

      “Alega exención” means that the person who paid the tax, when calculated amount, use one of the exemption of the rules of the tax.

      “Afecta por 5 años al pago de la liquidificacion que por el Impuesto en su caso se gire, quedando liberada por 3084 EUROS pagadas en autoliquidacion. Torrox a 4 de junio de 2007. Alegada exencion, que afecta por 5 años al pago de la liquidacion que por el impuesto en su caso se gire.”

      These sentence means that the person paid tax by 3.084 €. He used an exemption in orther to pay less or not pay other tax. An finally, that the tax office can check the reality of the amount declared

      I never know why the jurist, lawyers use these kind of languaje……probably because it express exactly the concepts….or it´s only a bussines tactic 😉

    • #108242


      OK, so essentially it means this:

      For some reason a previous owner has paid a self-assesment tax (Possibly Impuesto de Transferencia de Propiedad or Capital Gains Tax?). The tax office has 5 years in which to check the correctness of this payment. Should the payment be incorrect the tax office will get back to the person who made the self-assesment and, no doubt, request them to make a correct payment.

      In other words, as the the new owner of the property – it’s not my problem!

      Right (he writes, hopefully…)

    • #108244

      jackass, stop being a jackass and get an expert opinion – asesor fiscal, lawyer etc – preferably not a Brit masquerading as a guardian angel to “innocent lambs” 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

    • #108245

      Not sure but I would think that charge goes with the property as do most things on the nota simple. You as owner would “inherit” the charge.

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