Nota Simple – understanding the legal jargon

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    • #56779

      The nota simple isn’t all that difficult to get to grips with, however there are some parts phrased in legal jargon which makes an understanding of the implications difficult to grasp. In the text below it is clear that the property is or has been the subject of €3084 in taxes.

      Can any one make clear:

      1) Does ALEGADA EXENCION mean that the taxes have been paid?
      2) What is the most likely reason for these taxes ie where do they come from?
      3) WHat is the implication of ‘ 5 years’?

      Afecta por 5 años al pago de la liquidificacion que por el Impuesto en su caso se gire, quedando liberada por 3084 EUROS pagadas en autoliquidacion. Torrox a 4 de junio de 2007. Alegada exencion, que afecta por 5 años al pago de la liquidacion que por el impuesto en su caso se gire. Torrox a 22 agosto de 2007.


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