Funny though. All the economics sites are telling us of exports still rising, record tourist numbers in May, manufacturing starting to recover etc. etc.
Do I need to post links to various big contracts being won by Spanish firms both at home and abroad?
Anyone would think you were terrified by the real prospect of things getting better in Spain! 😆
An estimated 18 per cent of the country were forced to skip meals, ask friends or family for food, rely on a food bank or go without so their kids could eat in the past year.
1st: Marcos, you are wrong in saying ‘All the economic sites’ are giving that news, there are many sites still listing the continuing woes of Spain. Those links could also be posted if you wish.
2nd: There is a lot of individual suffering in Spain as per the article in katy’s post, these are human stories that don’t get listed on economic sites, and which you seem to gloss over 🙄
Yes there is good news, but still a lot of bad news out there, it’s not all rosy 🙄
See stevie tries to turn it into another “Wot about the UK then” thread. 😆
Why shouldn’t it be on here…it’s about Spanish property…thought it was supposed to be insight not censored good news only from property agents press releases Someones property falling down a hillside and then being declared illegal isn’t news !!!
The number of people registering for jobless benefits fell by 127,248 from May to 4.76 million, the Labor Ministry in Madrid said today in an e-mailed statement. That is the sharpest decline on record for a month of June. Economists had predicted a decline of 100,000, according to the median of 5 forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey.
The number of people registering for jobless benefits fell by 127,248 from May to 4.76 million, the Labor Ministry in Madrid said today in an e-mailed statement. That is the sharpest decline on record for a month of June. Economists had predicted a decline of 100,000, according to the median of 5 forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey.
Fairly good news but as the Spanish forums are saying, most are seasonal contracts some only for a few hours per day. Don’t forget unemployment dropped by 80,000+ last June…lets wait until October to talk about recovery.