Legal documentation

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    • #226765

      We are purchasing a property on rustic land which has been granted an AFO.  The property doesn’t meet the requirements for an AFO as it has a cesspit.  The Town Hall requirements regarding water drainage are technically ensure that no contamination of soil and groundwater and surface water occurs. – A cesspit does exactly this.  As the property drainage doesn’t meet the requirements we want to make sure that we are entitled to our deposit back as the AFO should not have been granted so documentation is illegal.

    • #228514
      Mark Stücklin

      Newbee I’m not exactly clear what your question is but I suspect it’s too technical for a forum like this. You’ll have to check with a good lawyer and make sure you are protected by an appropriate clause in the reservation contract. Ask for payment to a lawyer’s escrow account as it’s trickier to get money back from a vendor even if you have a contract that says you can.

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