Latest Unemployment figures

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    • #56506

      I wonder at what level the unemployment will top out at? 2012 can only see the figures increasing, and I am sure tourist figures for 2012 are going to be massively down as everyone reduces spending.

    • #107755

      Actually I wonder if the 2012 Olympics will draw a lot of visitors to the UK that otherwise might have holidayed in Europe, also UK residents forfeiting an overseas holiday to see the Olympics??? Time will tell.

    • #107756

      Worse is andalucía with málaga province unemployment at 31.63%. Here are the rest of the provinces

      Por provincias, Cádiz registra la mayor tasa de paro (35,33) al cierre del ejercicio, seguida de Huelva (34,23), Almería (33,31), Córdoba (31,73) y Málaga (31,63), mientras que la menor tasa correspondió a Jaén (28,24) y también se situaron por debajo del 30 por ciento Granada (28,93) y Sevilla (28,50).

      En términos absolutos, el mayor número de desempleados corresponde a Sevilla (261.400), seguida de Málaga , con 251.700 y Cádiz, con 201.800.

      Not sure about tourism. Logically they should pick up a lot who previously took holidays in Tunisa, Egypt, Kenya etc. as none of these places are back to stability. The junta states that tourism was up last year, but they say that every year 😆 even though more hotels are closing and occupancy down. Everyone locally says if it is increasing the punters aren’t visible.

    • #107758

      @jp1 wrote:

      I wonder at what level the unemployment will top out at? 2012 can only see the figures increasing, and I am sure tourist figures for 2012 are going to be massively down as everyone reduces spending.

      All the forecasts I’ve seen indicate a further rise in 2012, although not as big as the 8% rise 2011. Interestingly though, that 57 million is still down on the 2007 peak figure (59 million)

      About 56.9 million tourists visited Spain in 2011, Tourism Minister Jose Manuel Soria said. That was 8.1 per cent more than in 2010. The largest numbers of tourists came from Britain and Germany.

      Spain‘s best tourism year so far was 2007, when the number of visitors rose to 59.2 million.

      The global crisis affected tourism, making it decline by 8.7 per cent in 2009. The sector began growing again in 2010, as Spain‘s European tourism markets recovered economically. Unrest in competing Arab destinations is also believed to have boosted Spanish tourism.

      The upward trend was expected to continue, Soria said.

    • #107759

      @jp1 wrote:

      Actually I wonder if the 2012 Olympics will draw a lot of visitors to the UK that otherwise might have holidayed in Europe, also UK residents forfeiting an overseas holiday to see the Olympics??? Time will tell.

      All the people I know in London are trying to get away at Olympics time, as it’s forecast the already struggling transport system will struggle to cope.
      I doubt someone who’s got a ticket to see one or two events in London, is going to forgo their main holiday – although it is true that hotels are jacking up their prices heavily, so maybe they won’t be able to afford to travel again in the same year.

    • #107761

      I don’t think there is much enthusiasm for the Olympics from UK residents. Personally, I would be more inclined to go away if I lived in London. I read somewhere that crazy Hotel prices are putting normal holiday-makers off booking in the UK and bookings were down for the summer.

    • #107763

      most of the locals on the jam role here are quite happy; €400 dole and another €400 doing bits and bobs!!!! not quite the €2,300 they used to make on the building sites; but Hey, they’ve adapted well 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

    • #107769

      With so many young people out of work, how will future pensioners in Spain be funded? The normal cycle has been that those in work are paying the pensioners of the day. It might be a lost decade for more people than just the young.

    • #107775

      Unemployment is heart breaking here in Spain at the moment – there is not a single glimmer of light either. I our family there are 2 shop owners and 1 architecture firm, they have all had to slowly cut. But due to this last Christmas Season more drastic measures were taken by all due to Tax increases and the seasonally low business spending that occurs between Jan – Apr. The Architecture firm has let go of everyone (5 people). The 1 Shop has let go of 1 person a year for 3 years and this year one more has gone (and finally it was decided to even cut family members, so 1 cousin was let go after 20 years of work). The last shop let people go 2 years ago and just does enough to get by.
      The only glimmer of hope here is the soccer team CDMirandes, which has done a wonderful job of raising spirits and halting the ever present ‘Crisis’ conversations. But sadly all the extra money families are spending on extra tickets at higher prices all translates to less money spend in the local economy.
      As for London/Olympics, it is going to hurt Spain, all due to airfares this summer to Europe. I travel a lot and have about 3 trips already in the calender for the US and the cheapest is up 20% from last year and the closer I get to summer the higher it is. Various family members who come here every summer have seen tickets go from U$ 700 to U$ 1,200. Less money to spend!
      Oh and we also have just lost another airline in Spain, so that is free range to push tickets up a little more.

    • #107777

      Just during this last month I’ve seen 3 cafes shut down near our offices – which are in a prime area, bang in the centre of Madrid, where office workers mix with well heeled shoppers around the Salamanca area. We’ve also had 3 people made redundant (out of an office with 20 workers) and with tax rises to come things are going to be really tough for the next few years (maybe longer).

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