Land Grab – Some news that will affect a lot of people

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    • #52351

      Hello everyone. Most of us have heard about LRAU and its replacement LUV and I believe Andalucia implemented a similar land law in 2003.

      Today the European parliament gave a go ahead for cases to be heard in the European Court of Justice. What this means is that the EU have given Spain 60 days to change the law and bring it in line with EU laws or face sever financial penalties and have many thousands of law suits for crimes against human rights brought against them.

      They have threatened sever penalties and economic sanctions against Spain if it is not adhered to. This court has the authority to dictate changes 0 including changes to National Law, Regional law and procedures – the penalties for non compliance are very severe indeed.

      This is great news for those affected and those potentially affected. However it is also heart warming for all of us who live and buy in Spain because this result is a direct consequence of people power. 3 years ago the AUN organisation (Abusos Urbanos No) made their voices heard about LRAU and the abuses at a European level.

      Two years ago a first delegation came to see first hand those affected. Last year a second delegation came and interviewed all parties.

      The subsequent report resulted in the law being changed but it was the same law with little changes – just a different name. This was seen as a stalling tactic by the Valencian government and the Central government basically passed blame to Valencia

      However consistent pressure by AUN has resulted in the EU issuing this directive.

      Which just goes to show if enough people complain and lobby their MP’s about something and keep the pressure up – something will eventually get done.

      So to all of you who have been affected by dodgy agents and corrupt developers – there is hope if you make your voices heard – but there needs to be enough of you join together and keep on shouting otherwise it will just go unnoticed.

      Good luck to everyone and I hope you all get the justice you deserve



    • #66670

      “This is great news for those affected and those potentially affected”.
      So are we assume that Spain will just lay down and wave the white flag then?

      “This court has the authority to dictate changes”
      Just a matter of time before laws in UK will be changed then (by order of the Court), to satisfy the demands of some of the immigrants?
      “dictate” Yes, one word describes it.

      We are told that UK didn’t like what Iraq was doing, so we invade and change the laws.
      Hope N. Korea does not feel the same about us.

    • #66672

      Spain belongs to the EU, and therefore abides by its laws surely.

      This has nothing to do with Iraq or North Korea.

    • #66674

      Thought Iraq belonged to Iraq and No.Korea to N.Korea.
      Who does Spain and UK belong?
      Wrong, EU rules, much the pity.

    • #66676

      Spain probably wont just lie down -but we are talking about the European court of Human rights – this is not a civil law suit this is breaches of human rights and yes Spain I believe will just lie down – if someone threatenbed to take away your economic teeth inone foul swoop would you listen to them or would you ignore them and hope they go away.

      THe government has already insisted Valencia do something which Valencia has refused – however now the government cannot hide behind “Oh its a regional problem” any longer because they have been threatened with economic sanctions – which will hurt Spain if they dont comply.

      I fail to see the analogy between this and Iraq

    • #66694


      we are not in a ‘land grab’ sitation (as far as we know!) but we do seem to be in a bit a stalemate situation. Our finished apartment is 2 and half years late in build time and the size is 22% smaller than stated in our contract. Despite those facts coming from our lawyer who tells us this is a clear breech of contract on both issues, (and there are more) they say that due to the developer in question, that they are unable to get our large deposit (put down in june 2002) refunded, or the two thirds we still owe, reduced in price in line with the breech of contract?, and thats without even condidering the amount of compensation we should be due, for lost interest, rent, phone bills, time and worry.

      We also found out recently that bank guarantees were never issued on this development and after four and a half years it still has no LFO!

      So, do you think the new rules will help people like us to get a fair deal, when dealing with dodgy developers/agents and lawyers who can’t/wont get a fair result, and even when it goes to court, cases as clear cut as ours, still sometimes don’t get the obvious justice they deserve?

    • #66700

      Hi goodstich

      not sure the new law will help you personally – my point was that people who have been affected and in many cases lost their life savings through land grab, joined together and put pressure on the EU to act – against all their hopes of ever achieving anything they have finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel.

      My point in posting this was to highlight the fact that people power is a very strong thing – even in a monolith like the EU. 20,000 people signed a petition against LRAU. Now I am not saying the same would happen – but my opinion is that if all those affected got together – and even just the amount of people on this forum would make a sizeable amount – then the EU would sit up and listen – but someone has to make a complaint first. The EU will not just act because it appears that things are not quite right.

      In the case of LRAU one man, Charles Svodoba, who stands to lose his house through LRAU – decided to take a stand. He rallied round his neighbours and at many times they (his neighbours and friends) lost interest or hope. He didn’t – he was tireless in his approach (a bit like Claire and Barbara) and now after long hard battles he is seeing the fruits of his labour.

      It may be too late to save his own house (but maybe not) but he has helped many others avoid the same fate

      So the message I am trying to convey (and obviously not successfully because we are talking about Iraq and Korea) was don’t give up hope and become collective in your objectives. The three musketeers used to have a saying “all for one and one for all” and I believe when a lot of people have the same voice things start to happen. What I have seen from this forum is that many people are affected by dodgy developers and agents and don’t do anything as a collective – only as an individual.

      I believe if a developer had 200 people outside his office everyday and an agent had protesters outside their offices every day telling potential clients abut their “customer service” etc, they would take notice.

      So take hope, get together and fight and make the word known about the people who are affecting your lives. Get the press involved constantly and let others around you know what is happening. Then you will go from mal-aligned to an action group getting results.

      Good luck in your fight but perhaps the best idea is to find all the people affected and get together to pressure the developer, the town hall, the lawyers, the agents – and you may see some movement

      The difference between knowledge and success is ACTION.

      Best wishes


    • #66707

      “all for one and one for all” and as UK and USA adopt and approach “whats yours is mine”

      “many people are affected by dodgy developers and agents and don’t do anything as a collective – only as an individual.”
      But the human race is not considered to be a pack animal.
      When someone goes to an exhibition of properties, irrespective of what advice they have been given by professionals, or the likes of contributors to a forum like this, numerous completely ignor and have tunnel vision, just can’t wait to own. But, when things go wrong, that is when they look for support and where they can lay blame for their own stupidity, rather than accept responsibility.
      “I believe if a developer had 200 people outside his office everyday” but how many people can afford to give up their job to carry out such a protest. They stand to loose money and then loose income.
      “telling potential clients abut their “customer service” etc, they would take notice. “
      Would they, the media is full of such reports, scams, etc., but people are still blind and fall for it.

    • #66709


      the point is, (as you should know full well) many people on this forum alone, have been caught by the sharks, not because of ‘stupidity’ but because, despite doing their homework, they have just been lied to by the very people, that at some point, they have had to put their trust in.

      If proper regulation was in place the liars, con-men, scum, call them what you like, would not be able to flourish in the way they do. Any new laws in spain that protect decent people from being robbed by the low life, are very welcome and should have been introduced years ago.

    • #66710

      Yes I agree that there are “sharks” out there, but this is not a new thing, such practices have been going on 10, 15, 20 years, but people still ignore.
      I know from first hand experience, from a person I know, who recently visited Spain for the first time, after going to an exhibition. They were taken to Jumilla and shown this wonderful opportunity (called an “investment” by the agent). Told what rental income they could expect and the increase in value of the property. Before visiting, they asked what I thought, I told them and advised caution. Yup, they bought it, and are looking forward to renting it out, when it is due for completion December 2007!!!!!!!!!
      Works on construction are due to commence this month.
      Live in hope.

      So OK, why should they listen to me or anyone else, just don’t come crying when things turn sour.

      There are sharks in all walks of life and in all Countries, but, the purchaser should take some of the blame in numerous instances.

      In UK, would a purchaser listen to a developer and use the lawyer that a developer suggests, or who acts for the developer or bank. If so, they deserve what they get.
      If you choose not to engage a lawyer, you desrve what you get.
      Few hundred Euros saved maybe, but risk much.
      People do not like paying for professional advice, they begrudge it.

      “If proper regulation was in place the liars, con-men, scum,” – illegal keyholders, illegal taxi drivers, illegal pool maintenance, “call them what you like, would not be able to flourish in the way they do”.

      “Any new laws in spain that protect decent people from being robbed by the low life, are very welcome and should have been introduced years ago.”
      Agree on new laws that protect decent, INNOCENT, law abiding people, is fine, as long as they accept the laws themselves.
      Remember, an illegal taxi driver can cause as much suffering and financial ruing as any “shark” developer.

    • #66711


      Yes I do believe that if even one person was to stand outside an estate agents/developers office and inform potential clients of their so called customer service they would take notice. Would you listen to someone who said don’t use this estate agent because once they fleece you they don’t want to know you. I would and probably walk away.

      Not quite the same thing but I once had a problem with a washing machine and the shop would do nothing until I stood outside telling their potential customers just what I thought of the shop and the legendary after sales service. After the 3rd customer walked away they were ever so happy to give me what I wanted.

      Whether humans are naturally pack animals or not – if they DID get together for a common cause then they can move things – as has been shown very well by the AUN over the issue of LRAU.

      As for not having time to make protests – I agree not everyone has the time to do so, but there are some people who will and soem who wont – thats the beauty of collective action – there is more thanone voice all the time even if that particular day you cannot make it.

      That’s exactly what happened in the LRAU case – they organized protests against the Valencian government – high profile on the doorstep protests – and got noticed by the EU.

      If one man had done that would the EU have even bothered? I doubt it.

      The point is if you do something about it and use the collective voice then things will happen – why do you think lobbyists work so well – and do you think all lobbyists represent the view of the silent majority. NO they represent their paymasters but make so much noise about their issue that they get listened to. That is their job.

      As for your comments about it being in the media – so was LRAU – for many years people had heard about it and everyone coming over asked the questions – is this property affected by LRAU. But it took one person to get real peed off and get a group of other likeminded people who were also peed off to make changes. And I have no doubt that if they hadn’t raised the question to the EU LRAU would still be here and we wouldnt be having this conversation.

      So you can continue trying to find fault with what I am saying but if you want to change something you have to actually take action. And if you wish to do it more effectively then do so with more than one voice. So whether we are pack animals or not, we can adapt and change (and the most successful creatures adapt to their surroundings) and do what is necessary to get the job done.


    • #66712

      Well said both VB Tudor and Goodstich 44!!

      Positve thinking will always in the end overcome the negatives amongst us.
      Of course there is common sense and proper purpose in acting in a concerted manner.
      It’s beyond belief that anyone could think otherwise and disparage peoples genuine attempts to help others.

      By beliitling their cause in such a silly trivial way you only help the bad- doers who watch this and other forums and must wonder how they have got away with it for so long.
      There are many reasons, of course, but one is the inability to see the power of unity and the constant carping when people quite rightly make positive statements to try to improve the current poor situation.

      All power to the positives and if I can help iin any way….JUST SHOUT

      Regards to all

    • #66713

      I meant to mention Vince in offering support for the priciple of unity


    • #66721

      “we can adapt and change “
      So why can’t we get people to change and take professional independant legal advice and not try and save a few Euros.
      You have to accept that, yes there are “sharks” and the reason they survive and prosper, is that many people refuse to learn from the mistakes of others.
      When they see their holiday home of the future, they see nothing else and nobody can stop them. But when it goes wrong!!!!!!!!!
      Yes I agree there are “sharks”, obviously you do not agree that some purchasers are digging their own grave by not taking professional advice?
      “I do believe that if even one person was to stand outside an estate agents/developers office and inform potential clients of their so called customer service they would take notice”
      Yes I agree, but bet you quite a few would ignore and the profit that the developer can make from a few, is much. That is how they survive.
      But still say people should be responsible for their own doings.
      Many boast how much money they make from a property they once owned. They do not share the profit or praise, but when things go wrong, help is always called for.
      Perhaps if some were not buying on loan and having to use their own money, they would be more cautious.
      Easy come easy go.

    • #66722

      Well said, Vince.

      To help illustrate your point for those who don’t agree with it, my Spanish lawyer had a client (Danish) who had problems with Aifos. They didn’t build anything, was holding onto the client’s money, with an offer of money back plus 6% interest. However the prices of property in the area had gone up 50% in the two years that had passed. They were angry.

      So he and his wife, pregnant at the time, camped on the plot of land where their townhouse was supposed to be, so as to claim their rights, placards and all, to make a good ol’ publicity ‘stink’.

      Finally, AIFOS agreed to pay them €85,000 – more than double the compensation they offered initially, to cover ‘property appreciation’ for the two years.
      Total satisfaction plus loads of bad publicity for Aifos, including back home in the Danish press.

      Personally, I would like to kidnap the directors of our development company one night, handcuff them naked to a lamppost in the middle of Marbella with placards round their necks, to be found in the early morning rush hour.
      Bet that would warrant a bit of publicity in the local paper…. 8)

    • #66724

      Hi MG

      I will agree that people sometimes throw caution to the wind when buying off plan developments and dont take correct legal advice – in which case they are as guilty themselves. A property investment is a serious business and not one that should be taken lightly, research should be done and more time taken to make the decision (which should include some research regarding the area).

      I believe Imentined in a previous post that if you are investing off plan or otherwise it is your money you are investing (whether this is from a mortgage or not) and therefore ultmately the responsibitlity lies with you – not with an agent or developer.

      However if the very people you consdier you can trust – ie the estate agent, the lawyer etc let you down badly and even worse still lie to you, as some have done to many, and if someone has carried out their own research, but the basis of that research was ill founded (ie your solicitor told you licences were in place before building thatbank guarantees would be issued etc etc) then what more can you do.

      And bear in mind that most foreigners coming here – especially from the UK – dont speak Spanish, and have a belief that a solicitor will always look after your best interests (by the way I think you might find that even an agent recommended solicitor in the UK will have a duty of care to his clients and I do know of developers who insisit on using their recommended solicitors – perfectly acceptable because a solicitor canno act for both parties in the UK and MUST act on the best interests of their client at all times – the Law Society are a lot quicker at acting than the Colegio de Abogdos and take complaints it would appear more seriously).

      So based on the fact that especially Brits coming here – beleive that solicitors surely must be acting on their best interests, it is difficulot to see how they can envisage things going wrong – and not everyone who buys off plan are speculators.

      But if all those affected did something about it – yep the developers may well get away with for a while – but if 365 people were affected and everyone took one day a year to stand outside the developers office and inform people – for very little input on everyones behalf you would get a lot of result. Perhaps a few people woud ignore the people standing outside, but enough people would take notice to start to hurt the developer/agent – enough to make them sit and take notice.

      Better still if 20 people a week stotod outside collectively and informed thoise same clients – mob rules – the clients woudl at least be intimidated enugh to think twice.

      However take no action and you get – NO result.
      Like I said previous – the difference between knowledge and success – is Action.

      Not everyone wants to get involved, and not everyone can afford t, but sometimes it takes just one person to rally the troops and enough people will get on board (like sheep if you like it doesnt matter the result is the same) and things will start to happen.

      And one thing is for sure – If you do nothing you achieve nothng.

      Good luck


    • #66725


      Let me assure you that for many many of us, it can’t be assumed that we:

      bought at a property exhibition,
      were aware it was necessary to get good legal representation from an independent lawyer, as against a ‘recommended’ one
      took out a loan instead of using our own money
      were aware of the ‘mistakes’ made by others
      were foolishly blinded when we saw the property of our dreams.

      For all the people I am in touch with in a similar situation to my own, none of the above ‘insinuations’ are true.

    • #66726

      Here goes.
      Charlie, I think that I had stressed that some, or many, or numerous, but never ALL, were referred to in my comments.
      By the wy, is that “assumed” or a statistic?

      “However if the very people you consdier you can trust – ie the estate agent”
      When an agent is acting for the vendor, be it in UK or Spain, considered unwise to trust. They get their money from the other side.

      “(ie your solicitor told you licences were in place before building thatbank guarantees would be issued etc etc) then what more can you do”
      Is that a lawyer completely independant from the developer and bank?

      “And bear in mind that most foreigners coming here – especially from the UK”
      All the more reason they should spend on a lawyer and translator.
      Would anyone go into a car showroom in say Russia and expect to buy a car and leave with what they want and expect, if they can’t converse?

      “(by the way I think you might find that even an agent recommended solicitor in the UK will have a duty of care to his clients and I do know of developers who insisit on using their recommended solicitors”
      But you have not got to use the lawyer recommended and why should you. They are getting say fees for say 500 home sales from the developer, as opposed to 1 from you.
      Who do you think their loyalty would be with?

      “perfectly acceptable because a solicitor canno act for both parties in the UK”
      As long as both sides agree. Would you be happy when the other party is perhaps a major client of theirs?

      “it is difficulot to see how they can envisage things going wrong – and not everyone who buys off plan are speculators.”
      But even in UK people know things can go wrong and we assume they all speak the same language.

      “but if 365 people were affected and everyone took one day a year to stand outside the developers office and inform people”
      Maybe, but still prefer to fight my own corner, nobody will look after my interests like me and the advisors I would pay.

      “Better still if 20 people a week stotod outside collectively and informed thoise same clients – mob rules – the clients woudl at least be intimidated enugh to think twice.”
      Yes, but see how long that would get support!!!

      “And one thing is for sure – If you do nothing you achieve nothng.”
      Agree 100%

    • #66728

      Hi MG

      “(by the way I think you might find that even an agent recommended solicitor in the UK will have a duty of care to his clients and I do know of developers who insisit on using their recommended solicitors”
      But you have not got to use the lawyer recommended and why should you. They are getting say fees for say 500 home sales from the developer, as opposed to 1 from you.
      Who do you think their loyalty would be with?

      As I stated previously under British Law a lawyer has a legal obligation – which is fiercely upheld by the bar and the law society – to protect the interest of their clients. Not doing so is grounds to be struck off – so whether the lawyer is recommended by an agent or developer doesnt make so much difference – they still have to protect their clients interests – and their loyalty is with the client no matter who introduced them. That at least is one protection we have in the UK that doesnt appear to be present here in SPain

      And on other point – our legal system is adversarial and therefore it doesnt “usually” allow a lawyer to act on both parties behalf. The Spanish Legal system is notarial and therefore it is not the same – therefore as I understand it the Spanish lawyer may act on both parties. However hte point being that British people rightly or wrongly expect that a lawyer will protect their interests because that is what happens in the UK.

      Where a developer insists on using a specific solicitor it is for reasons of convenience – you are still able to use your own but you will nevertheless pay for the developers solicitor (its a bit like when you have a mortgage the bank either use your solicitor or use their own but you pay for theirs anyway). But again I re-iterate – even in this case the developer recommended solicitor is acting for the client not the developer and must do by law.

      Whilst I agree that everyone coming here as a foreigner should have independent legal advice and a translator – the idea is pushed by agents specifically that it is not necessary to use a lawyer – and the crazy thing is – they are NOT lying because it isnt necessary. Very few Spanish use a solicitor for conveyancing – and you know the old phrase – when in rome …. So where does the fault lie?
      You are right again that people buying a holiday home should excercise the same caution as they do at home and many do yet still get caught out.

      Agent recommended solicitors arent the only ones who go awry. There is one in this area who because he speaks English the English use him. However he has left many a client high and dry with his ineptitude. And they found him through their own endeavours. When a client tells me he is their solicitor I cringe because I have had to clear up his mess on four ocassions. So it is not always agent recomended solicitors who c**k up. There are just those who are incompetent, too busy or uninterested enough to do their job correctly.

      , but still prefer to fight my own corner, nobody will look after my interests like me and the advisors I would pay.

      Perhaps you do like to fight your own corner – and perhaps you may be successful. But i guarantee that if yu solely had tried to take on the Valencia regional government over LRAU then you would be nowhere – this is a Law that was effectively changed b people power – and by the way not many Spanish involved so it was foreign poeple power.

      The point again is that a united voice is much more powerful than a solo voice. Perhaps if more people got toegther and shouted about their plight together more people on the outside would take notice – this is the essence of what I was trying to raise as a point previously.

      However your points are perfectly valid – people should be more responsible for their own actions – but not everyone is blinded by enthusiasm when buying a property and not everyone who does everything correctly ends up without problems – small a percentage as it may be compared to those who dont take advice – it still happens that problems occur.



    • #66729

      One more point about agent recommended solicitors in Spain.

      I do recommend one particular solicitor – based in Valencia and nothing to do with any developer, for one very good reason. If there was ever a conflict of interest then I know with 100% certainty that the person he will be looking after is the client – regardless of what other clients I give him.

      But then if all parties communicate and tell the truth – there should never be a problem. So not all agent recommended solicitors should be treated with derision because some people actually do give a stuff about clients enough to want to see their interests protected.

      I also give pople the phone book with numbers for other solicitors that they could use – and everyone of them so far has used this particular solicitor and been extremelty happy with his services because he actually cares.

      So my point here is why should it be that because he is recommended by me it makes him a bad choice for people.

      However I do agree that some agents receive a commission or kickback from soliciitors and even use particular solicitors primarily because they will tirn a blind eye to thisngs. Which leads me very nicely onto the point i keep stressing – it appears that it is the same old solicitors doing the same old thing. And if everyone affected took collective actin, if everyone made complaints to the colegio of abogados, and if everyone went to the relevant lawyers offices to protest – perhaps people in authority would take notice. But whats is an absolute certainty is that if nothing happens and noone does anything then NOTHING HAPPENS.


    • #66730

      “And on other point – our legal system is adversarial and therefore it doesnt “usually” allow a lawyer to act on both parties behalf. “
      Disagree. First bhand evidence in 7 instances this year.

      “I understand it the Spanish lawyer may act on both parties. “
      As in UK, as long as both parties agree.

      “Where a developer insists”
      Don’t believe they can enforce this condition?

      “Whilst I agree that everyone coming here as a foreigner should have independent legal advice and a translator”
      We agree on this then?

      “the idea is pushed by agents specifically that it is not necessary to use a lawyer”
      Why trust the agent.

      “and the crazy thing is – they are NOT lying because it isnt necessary. “
      As in UK then.

    • #66731

      Hi MG

      my comments about lawyers were about UK lawyers not Spanish ones and they do have a duty to act on behalf of the client. However our system in the UK is adversarial and it is generally not acceptable to have a lawyer act on both parties – both parties may agree to this but it is exceptional circumstances that dictate this.

      With regards to developers insisting on lawyers no they dont have to use a specific lawyer if they dont want to but they get charged for the developers lawyer regardless of whether they use him or not. It is rare but it does ocassionally happen. And if they still insist on not paying then the developer just sells the property to someone else. In this particular case it isnt that the developer gets a kickback and the fees are fiarly minimal, but they are minimal because the lawyer is acting on behalf of 40 or so clients at the same time and the work is pretty much the same for each of them. So the developer agreed a fixed rate based on all clients using this lawyer and this is part of the deal.

      They dont have to accept it but they also get charged for his services whether they use him or not – and in the UK until they go to exchange of contracts they can pretty much do what they want. The developer doesnt have to sell to the buyer either.

      Why trust an agent -I agree but I know when I first came here I thought that the agents would be decent and at least be fair. That very quickly turned to rust when I met some of them. But I am a strong character and have no problem telling an agent or anyone else for that matter where to get off. But not everyone is like that and some can be “Manipulated” for want of a better word. Doesnt make them bad people – just easily led.
      In the UK there are laws that [revent such things (ie cooling off periods etc) but not here in Spain.

      Anyway this is really getting away for the point so lets agree to differ – Its friday and I have a gig to play


    • #66732

      There are regular demonstrations outside the main AIFOS office in Málaga by spanish people who have been taken for a ride, it doesn’t seem to have improved the situation.

    • #66733

      OK, si I have had 7 “exceptional ” instances this year in UK.

    • #66736

      @mg wrote:

      Charlie, I think that I had stressed that some, or many, or numerous, but never ALL, were referred to in my comments.

      I know. I didn’t say you did.
      That is why I was careful to say “many, many…” just to get my twopence worth of support in for those of us who don’t deserve all we got. 😉

    • #66785

      An update on the LRAU situation

      As expected Valencia is blaming Madrid for mis representation of the new act (it hasnt) However news today came from none other than Michael Cashman (he of eastenders fame) who stated today that

      “The regional and national governments in Spain have not convinced the European Parliament or the European Commission that their new land laws are any better than their old ones.

      “Under EU public procurement law, which regulates the development of land, it is clear to me that Spain is breaching her obligations in Valencia and probably in other regions as well” continued Michael.

      “This progress came about as a result of people power and shows that the EU can and does stand up for its citizens fundamental rights. I hope that the Spanish national government will take this legal and political opportunity to resolve the problems as soon as possible.”

      Spain now has 2 months to provide a satisfactory response to the Commission’s justifiable concerns. If no such response if forthcoming, the Commission, supported by the European Parliament, can take Spain to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in order that citizens’ fundamental rights to their homes are respected. “

      Note those words – “People power” – his words not mine and I didnt even prompt him.

    • #66788

      You didn’t need to, Vince.
      He’s been reading your posts on the forum.

    • #66847

      a link to the article in question for those interested.


    • #66849


      a move in the right direction, lets hope the ball starts rolling and many more area’s of spanish law and in particular the builder/agent/ lawyer triangle get a serious looking at.

      I wake up every morning and still find it hard to believe that after nearly four and a half years after we put a third deposit down, the development still has no LFO. There is also at least two serious breeches of contract, (build time and size of apartment) no bank guarantee and no completion date. As if that’s not bad enough, if we want to negotiate a reduced two thirds balance or claim our money back with compensation for all our losses, it looks like a change of lawyer and a long and costly court battle in front of us, with no guarantee of a win, judging by others experiences on this site alone.

      Why should we have to go through all this, just for common sense justice?

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