The Marbella corruption case, Malaya is expected to end today with prison sentences (or not) given out. All the main players have been arriving at court.
Not having all the fact’s of the charges/cases. Besides ” Roca” they seem to be very light in addition I suppose they will get credit for time already served !!!!!!!.
The damage in terms reputation etc that they have bestowed on the Council, City, construction sector & the Country. I would like to know what the other forum users think of the sentencing & what & how much of their ill gotten gains had/have been confiscated & for whose benefit.
I think this has taken 8 years to conclude, speedy then? 😯
Apparently there are 83 other defendants, will there be a full list of sentences or punishments available? 🙄
Do the authorities know where the money is, I suspect it is in somewhere like Belize Central America, Spanish speaking and one of the top tax havens for crooked funds, allegedly? 🙄 😉
An online vote in Diario Sur shows that 96% think the sentences are too light. The headline says it all.
Moderate sentences for the Politicians and the majority of the Developers cleared. Notice from the list most of the Lawyers have been cleared too 😯
Below is a list of all sentences. I recognise a few names. I have no doubt in years to come we shall be seeing their names again on the property scene…I shall let you know 8)
Interesting list, a tangled web, including Mayor, Lawyers (plenty), Accountants, Police (must have a few of them in the ring), Others, and Entrepreneurs (covers a multitude of options). Must have taken a lot of organisation to put that lot together and to keep their lips sealed, and the Boss gets a measly 11 years 😯
Thing is, will their sentences be commuted due to length of case so far, and are they able to trace the crooks’ funds if only to pay their fines? 🙄