How does retrospective planning work?

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    • #52726

      This site is an excellent source of information, I wonder if someone can help? I am in the process of trying to buy a detached house half way up a mountain in wonderful Asturias. A problem has arisen. The house had an attic extention about 12 years ago BUT it only appears as a two storey house on the deeds. The solicitor I am using thnks it is the begining of the end of the world. The agent thinks it is ‘no problem’ surprise surprise! We love the house but are not stupid enough to proceed without some kind of official input. Anyone know how things work on retrospective planning? The attic has no windows only roof lights and there are NO neighbours within 500 meters? Is there an equivalent to ‘established use’ in Spanish planning?
      Thank you in anticipation

      Phil G

    • #70115

      Hi, I agree with you about this being an excellent site, and I have received and acted on advice in getting retrospective planning permission on a house I am buying that had never had permission for its’ true size since new some 12 years ago. This has been done at the seller’s expense and has taken some seven months . It has involved an architect drawing up new plans of the house which have been submitted to the Colllege of Architiects and the Ayuntamiento. This has been a a lengthy and somewhat frustrating process with delays caused by misunderstandings and missed deadlines for monthly meetings, and the application getting put further down the pile to be considered. So if you decide to go down this route, be prepared for delays about which one can do little, and to treat any promises that the process can be done quickly with caution.
      I wish you the best of luck, and hope you are not in too much of a hurry.

    • #70123

      Go and talk to the ayuntamiento. I swear that every ayuntamiento here has a different answer to give!

      There is something in the back of my mind about having read on this site that after a certain time period you should have no problems. We have the same problem with our house, bizarrely, and no one picked up on it. At some point we need to get the escitura updated as we have renovated the house and I guess we add it then?

      Where are you buying?


    • #70165

      Hi Heather
      Infiesto area of Asturias

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