Frank, you seem to know what´s what on the Coast so a question or two for you please?
Friends, Mr and Mrs X with a budget of approx. 520k stg wishing to buy in either Spain or Portugal, so if in Spain which one estate agent would you recommend on the Coast to help them with their search for either a luxury 3 bed apt, or even two 2 bed good apts which don´t have to be in the same development? New or resale.
Angie 🙂
If you need advice like that please p.m me and I will be more than happy to help as countless others will confirm.
All you need to know is I am not an agent (used to be 😈 )and the best 🙂
I have numerous transactions of my own in property in Spain.
I have two properties,well one and a bit really and I am and have been involved with everything from setting up exhibition stands to litigation.over many years.
I have investors looking at the market for property as posted several weeks back.
I have seen the very worst and I have seen some pretty damn good.
If you want a question and answers regarding Spain Charlie is the gal .
To start the lawyer would depend on what you wanted them for,which particular area as one fits all doesnt work.
Estate agent I would probably use or ask Inez if its the Costa Del Sol.
The rest of Spain or Portugal wouldnt have a clue.
Angie: I should go to Inez and no if & buts. Before you all jump to unfounded assumptions. No i am not related to her nor on commission. Purely from my experience in dealing with her.
Shakeel has second the recommendation. 🙂 for Inez
Still say Charlie is the one with the knowledge and as she says she knows the biggest and the meanest developer on the Costa del Sol 😈
Now we have Maria Castro who on the forums and appears very good if you have a problem.
Now if its to guide you through the buying process the in Marbella or Costa del Sol the I feel confident in my solicitor is excellent and can P/M as I dont think Mark likes advertising on the forum.
If the property is in another area then Mark has a recommendation list for solicitors,( rules seems tp change from area to area 😕 )
Must have made it to have a thread all of my own asking little ole me for advice.
Thanks for the info, there’s no hurry for them though what with poor exchange rates, just wanted to know bearing in mind how corrupt things are in Spain, who to trust as agent and lawyer. We know the buying process. 😉
Hi Angie
No problem and yes the exchange rate is very poor at the moment.
However not perhaps if you own a property in Spain and this may allow many to reduce to price to convert back to stirling if they really want to sell.
Good agents will not be charging the 10 to 14 % commissions so as they say, almost always two sides to most situations 🙂
Balanced view,you see,glad I could help 😉
Like many of the regular posters we contribute to the S.P.I and the E.O.S and to keep it seperate we use different names.I,E Just Dan E.O.S
If you want any advice on that forum,(like Just Frank) on this one he will be more than willing to help .
Will change the previous sign off and chuffed you appear to be showing me sooooo much interest 😉
Just Frank 8)
Second thought 😈 Perhaps it is fishy and I am an agent that lies 😈
Bit of a faux pas there Frankie aka Danny boy? I can normally smell an agent at 20 miles or so, (fishy smell), were you involved with selling Eralia/OVP, and ‘is there a Greenhills far far away’? Does any of this ring a bell? 😉
Hi Angie 🙂
No not an agent in the past for Eralia,just have an illegal build on Green Hills,
Top U.K agent for H.2.0 and thankfully everything I sold has worked out fine for the clients.
Yep O.-.P to and very sucessful there to until I found it to be a right set up and got all clients deposits back.
Went out on another of their inspection trips and went around telling all prospective clients not to buy.
Caught had a hiding and sent home on the next plane.
Very sucessful with a company called Interlink but they insisted I lie to clients telling them that planning had been approved when it didnt.
Went to their solicitor to cry foul and stopped the deposits back and lost a small fortune in commissions.
The solicitor and me then went on the attack against them as she was unaware of what was going on and we have been dear friends for years.
As this is my thread .I will tell you more.
Had intensive training to become an estate agent in the U.K by the largest and most respect estate agents in Europe.
Training started at 10.00 a.m on the road and an expert by 11.00 a.m.
Probably the worst estate agent ever as I have had almost a lifetime in construction and kept telling everyone buying in particular young couples not to buy because the property had this problem or that problem.
Well there you go, a full and final confession.
I was there,I did the deed.
Well everyone to their own I suppose 🙂
I have a bit of a problem with Ocean Estates as you may have gathered, and I know that H2O employed many of their staff who had misold at Ocean, including the head of their sales marketing I believe, a rather naughty Scot´s woman, she´s probably still there.
Did you have training with Ocean aka Awful Estates and do you know much about their current status as they seem to have given up on their huge advertising, closed a few offices etc? I know Macdonalds left or handed over. They had such a lot of bad Press particularly from the S. Times. 8)
Nope didnt get training from or work for company you have problems with but could tell stories which would repulse ya. 😈
Long gone to pastures new after the sh-t hit the fan and some poor souls in Bugaria or some where else will be the next victims.( MARY WHERE ARE YA GAL :lol:)
Yep I know ex employees of that company that then carried out “THE NO OBLIGATION INSPECTION TRIPS “:shock: Yeh Right ❓
Never would have believed what greed can do to some people if I hadnt seen it myself.
Took one of my clients, a lovely couple out as I worked mostly in the U.K(they paid for the trip ,finance arranged)
Property price 219,000 euros,just what they wanted and when we got there it was 289,000 and they told me to up sell( they were sooo upset as it was out of their price range) 😈
That cost me 3 tickets on the next flight back home and being sacked after telling the M.D what what to do ( something about where monkeys stuff their nuts as I recall.
Shows are run buy in the main by car phone shops employees,ex time share that havent a clue but they have the gift of the gab.(Weekend cash in hand) 😯
Bloody hell. 😯
Well not mentioned any names and as this is my thread I hope the editor will not delete this again. 😉
Frank – Unfortunately it’s not only at these shows they lie.
Our agent in the Spanish branch of a huge International (+ London Mayfair) company told us our particular development “was so special, I’ve bought three there myself and I never normally buy in Spain”. Turned out to be an utter lie, and I know it’s the usual saleman’s pitch, but didn’t expect these tactics from such a Company. Their initials before the name are appropriate: FPD. and will leave it to your imagination what I think they stand for and it’s not “Fantastically Proper and Decent”. More like F****** Pillocks and Deceivers.
Mark’s definitely going to delete this one! 😆
Hi Charlie 😆
Welcome to my thread . 😆
Luv it and add that also be very carefull regarding estate agents in the high street selling overseas property.
Most dont trust estate agents over here yet for some reason trust them totally if they are selling property abroad.
BE AWARE THE 5-6% share of the commision is like a halo above yer head as you ask advice from someone who hasnt a clue what they are talking about.
Commisions paid in Euros make for a nice earner. 😆
What gets me is when an estate agents sent up a world wide property exhibition and some ask advice about each country
Reality is the person you are asking advice wouldnt know the next road from where they live.
Checked ? No names X
No swearing X
No Waffle X
Not Upset anyone X
Claire Bestie mate now X
Well at least I am in the clear Charlie 😉
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