Conference in Marbella re Illegal licences.

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    • #52730

      There was a conference in Marbella last friday about the illegal licence situation. Was this just for the the Legal profession or were other people, ie REA’s able to attend ?

      If any of you did attend can you share any information on the situation please?
      Hopefully the Spanish press may cover it this week. Over to you Dorothy. 😉

    • #70155

      Not sure if this is the one Claire……………. … 81228.html

    • #70157

      Well done Dorothy and thank you! 🙂

      It appears to be the one, although I can only get a not too brilliant translation…I have to guess the meaning of some of the text, as it is a “literal” translation.
      Hopefully Sur in English will do a report too at the end of the week.! 😕
      Here is another link.

      The last two paragraphs sum up the reason why so many people are now in a difficult situation, especially this one:

      The frank words of the young judge brought smiles to the faces of the authorities, journalists and note-taking university students. “There is little social conscience about this phenomenon”, Torres regretted. “When a politician accepts money from a developer, society suffers. A green zone has been lost. And then the developer makes up for his payment by cutting costs. And so there are problems with the quality of the property; the price of land increases”.

    • #70158

      Couldn’t quite get the gist myself Claire………..maybe Drakan or someone……………………………………..

    • #70161

      Hi Claire.

      Reply as mentioned in my last posting.
      In case you ask ,my many contacts are on a need to know basis and to tell anyone, they then must die.

      Perhaps some may consider where the next solicitors pay days are coming from (which ones of over 300 do we trust then ?)
      How many did we trust in the beginning.?
      Whichever they yet again have a win win situation,get us in the and rip us off to get out of it.
      Thankfully some on this forum may have found a good one,many I fear may be lambs to the slaughter

      Hi Jim,
      Yes that’s right it was a meeting with the Lawyers of Marbella to discuss “the problem”. In all honesty I didn’t go as I have been to them in the past and with more than 300 lawyers not one of them has a sensible thing to say. Plenty of slapping on the back and telling each other how wonderful they all are but that’s about it. In fact the last one I went to I got so made with them as they basically were talking about how much money they were gong to make from court cases when there really wasn’t any need for a court case.

      I will get the minutes of the meeting so I’ll let you know what was said.

      Regards Solicitor Costa del Sol



    • #70163

      Fortunately our lawyer is not one of the “back slapping brigade” nor is he a Marbella Lawyer. He is disgusted by what has happened in “his country” and wants to get justice for people affected by the corruption. So far, he’s doing a good job. 😀

      He is a rare breed as he is helping us to get justice from one of the corrupt lawyers in Marbella. When this corrupt lawyerstuck two fingers up at the Collegio, our lawyer went to the court. It is not a court case per se. Our case will be discussed with our lawyer, the offending lawyer and a Judge. Arbitration I guess. I know our lawyer cannot work miracles (all of the time) but I know he will do his best. At least this crooked lawyer will get the message that we are not going to give up at the first hurdle…. he is not walking away with our money…for doing sweet F *! We will pursue it.
      It has been stated on this forum that one lawyer will not “shop” another from their “school”, regardless of their “indiscretion”. Well this one will!

    • #70164

      Think you will see by the reply ,so is mine.
      Hates the corruption and alot of the big developers will not deal with the sales through this office as they stop the the sale in the interest of her clients.
      Thats how I met them .in the real estate business in Spain when I had two couples who I had sold to but something just didnt feel right and we stopped the sale ( lost lots of money and got the sack but at least I can sleep at nights)
      Takes em on no matter how big they are in fact the bigger the better

      Its great having her on hand for the past 5 years.


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