"carnet sanitario de manipuladores de alimentos" course

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    • #57265

      Hi everyone,
      While I am still waiting to sell my place in NL (hardly doable these days….) before I can permanently move to Gran Canaria I am looking around for things I can do from home to prepare myself better.

      One of the things is a course for handling food and the Spanish hygiene rules around that (if I am correctly informed a “carnet sanitario de manipuladores de alimentos”). A certificate is provided by the Spanish ministery once one has completed the course and has passed the exam. Depending of the type of certificate, it allows you to work in resorts, breakfast/lunch places etc. (although I must admit that most people working in this sector in the touristic south of GC apparently have never heard of this certificate, nor their employers by the way…).

      Anyway, in a Dutch book on emigration to Spain a URL was mentioned where one could do the course in Dutch or English, with a certificate provided by the Spanish Ministery. Unfortunately that link doesn’t work anymore. Since then I have been searching internet for quivalents as my Spanish is not good enough (yet) to do a course and and exam in Spanish, but with no luck so far.

      Does anyone know sites where one can do this course in English, with an official Spanish certificate attached to it? The Dutch equivalent of the course is not recognized by Spain.

      It’s not necessarily my plan to move into this sector, but the course as such doesn’t seem to be that difficult (and common sense helps too I guess), and it would be handy to have in case I need to bring in a few extra euros through a temporary or part time job.

      Also I would be interested to learn about sites that offer other courses in English (or Dutch of course) for which a Spanish certificate can be obtained through an exam (also in English).

      Thanks in Advance! Adrian.

    • #115258

      OK this is legislation owned by AESAN an has been incorporated into regional law structures and in theory if you pass your test in Gran Canaria is transportable through the rest of Spain.

      Plenty of companies out there running the on-line tests and accreditation ….. do a serch on Google for “Consejería de Salud examen manipuladores de alimentos” ….. plenty of examples …. even in Gran Canaria …..


      and another example ……


      Google is your friend.

    • #115260

      Forgot to mention that up here in Asturias, they require your NIE / NIF for the permit …… so you may well find yourself at an impass if you haven’t got one of these.


    • #115261

      Thanks Mike. Problem is I don’t speak enough Spanish yet to do the course and the exam in Spanish. Hence I am looking for one in English (or Dutch). There used to be one in Dutch, but can’t find anything now, even via Google! Hoped there would be one in English…..

      I got my NIE last week, so no problem in that area 😉
      Cheers. Adrian

    • #115265

      I’ll tell you what I did a few years back….

      A friend needed the certificate to be able to sell home baked cakes at a local market but she couldn’t speak Spanish. She paid for me to also do the course and I quickly wrote out in translation what the Spanish tutor was saying into english for her to sit next to me and read.

      Typically another few Brits also had a translator along and she was verbally translating sat at the back of the room. This was actually really annoying for everyone else there trying to listen to the Spanish.

      So, try and find on a forum someone Dutch (or an english speaker) who can speak Spanish who wants to sit alongside you for an hour or so to do the course and write it all down for you. It’s not that hard actually, common sense.

      And yes, you’ll need your NIE because they register you and write out your certificate with your name and NIE at the end.

      Good luck

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