There was a bulletin on Radio 4, 5pm news this evening, where you were interviewed Mark as the owner of SPI!. It was about the demolition of homes, Banana Beach, an hotel near Estapona, and other buildings too close to the beach front line were mentioned.
what a bloody mess! Good for Mark and the BBC, at least they scratched the surface of the corruption/destruction/daylight robbery, on prime time TV. Wouldn’t it be nice to see the assets seized of all the swindling developers/councils/lawyers, and the innocent victims compensated with their ill-gotten gains and masses of unwanted ugly buildings flattened and replaced by good landscaping.
Just one point about this “news” item – has anyone else noted the fact that Southern Spain, according to the “meeja” always seems to be the CDS? The whole of Spain’s southern coastline is affected.
A story on the Beeb a few months ago mentioned somewhere as being “Alicante” when it was Alcoy, quite a distance from Alicante!
The reason that I’m pointing this out is because I do not see that this will draw more attention to the Spanish property debacle from the British media any more than previous doom-and-gloom reports the sporadically appear. The British media is, and always has been extremely insular in its approach to Europe unless of course the term “British” or “Brit” appears in the byline.
Anyone any ideas on how the ordinary punter can get any redress in propery issues Spain when it appears that Valencia’s government are intent on ignoring the EC?
As a property owner in marbella, I do wish they would show the whole picture. Marbella is just the tip of the iceburg and there are more overbuilt and ugly areas on the rest of the coasts. Actually, most of the developments are quite nice compared with other places…they just aren’t legal. Banana Beach for example, great position, walk into centre. They were a snip off-plan many years ago.
I remember one TV programme showed rows of awful developments as marbella when they were actually in calahonda!
I am off to google Panama now, say the property is cheap there 😉
Don’t forget that the news bulletin of Spanish property problems was straight after one about the state of the UK market, it all looks pretty grim for some time.
The simple fact is that the others areas dont sell news and Marbella does. 😉
Ariel shots were mainly Benelmadana,Torremolinas,and the thread is then called Marbella about somes it up.
Somehow threads called “Corruption In Mijas” , Corruption in Murcia or Corruption in Torremolinas dont have the same ring to it somehow. 😉
The simple fact is that the forum should be named THE MARBELLA FORUM + areas surrounding it. IE Spain. 😉
Very good one. But I also point that mediam is centered at CDS. Media should talk about other sites with less hurted by corruption but in a very strong danger of suffering it very soon so it could stop the disaster before it happens.
Hi Peterparra 🙂
On this I totally agree, 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I can see those sales agents now in say one of those places I mentioned. 😈
Client asking about areas on the Costa del Sol
What about all the corruption I keep hearing about. 😕
Agent . Dont you worry about that as it only relates to Marbella 😈
Client asking about Costa Blanca 😕
Agent,.Well the good thing about this area is that unlike The Costa del Sol and Marbella thats always in the papers you can avoid the corruption.
This very forum is perfect platform for corrupt agents and solicitors to feed off but only a few can see it 👿 👿 👿
Well meaning the forum may be,but reality is that eyes need opening.